You Need More Sleep! Do You Have A Bedtime Ritual?

What do you do before you go to sleep?

Everyone has a habit of what they do before bed, but some of these habits are better than others. 


If you find yourself squinting at the computer answering work emails late at night, watching disturbing events on the news, or eating large amounts of food right before bed and then wondering why you are tossing and turning, your bedtime routine might be the culprit. Statistics show that 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, and seven out of ten people in the USA report frequent problems getting to sleep.

Bedtime Ritual
Lack of sleep is linked to increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, stroke and depression, not to mention that beingtired makes you more irritable, less alert, and less productive. This is why it is so important to prepare for sleep with a healthy bedtime ritual.

If you have a relaxing bedtime ritual that helps you unwind before bed, you will fall asleep easier and enjoy a much deeper sleep. A peaceful bedtime routine will send signals to your brain, letting it know that it is time to let go of all the stresses of the day and get some rest. Here are some tips for creating a relaxing bedtime ritual that will prepare you for a great night’s sleep:
  • Turn off all electronics. The flickering glow from your laptop, mobile phone, and television is stimulating your brain, so turn these things off to help you make the transition into sleep.
  • Try drinking some warm spiced milk with nutmeg. This common kitchen spice is thought of as one of the best medicines for calming the nervous system, relaxing the mind and promoting sound sleep. The calcium in the milk has also been proven to help you relax.
  • Take a hot bath. Studies have shown that body temperature has an influence on how fast you fall asleep. Scientists have established that a drop in temperature is what tells your body to go to sleep, and by taking a hot bath you can raise your body temperature artificially and then allow it to drop as you are drifting off to sleep.
  • Do some gentle stretching or yoga. This will relax your muscles and calm down your breathing. You might also want to try a few moments of quiet meditation.
  • Read a favorite book or magazine by soft light. Adjusting to the lower lighting of the room will help let your brain know that it is time to sleep.

Try adding some of these relaxing habits to your bedtime routine and you will find yourself enjoying a much more relaxing and restful sleep!

Bad Day? Here Are A Few Simple Ways to Turn a Bad Day Around

We’ve all had one of those days.

Your alarm didn’t go off, and you woke up horribly late for work. You smashed your toe on the table, spilled coffee on your coat, andspent ages finding somewhere to park. When you arrive, you are tired, scatterbrained, and faced with an overwhelming list of tasks, demands and complaints when all you want to do is go back to bed. You sigh to yourself, “What a bad day.”

Bad Day

However, just because a day gets off to a bad start doesn’t mean that you are doomed to suffer

Count Your Blessings 

for the next 24 hours. It is possible to turn a bad day around and make the rest of it okay, and perhaps even great! Here are some tips for stopping a bad day in its tracks and getting your happiness back:

A big part of whether you are having a good day or a bad day really depends on your attitude. If you are focusing on the negative aspects of your life, you will feel defeated and discouraged, but if you can pay attention to the positive things you can turn your perspective around. If you are having a rotten day, grab a piece of paper and make a list of all of the things that are going right in your life that you are thankful for. You will soon realize that all of the things that you have to be grateful for make this day seem not so bad.

Phone a Friend

Sometimes when we are frustrated or discouraged, we just need the sympathetic ear and kind words of a good friend. If you are having a terrible day, contact someone who you can trust who will make you feel better.

Focus on and Complete At Least One Task

Part of the frustration of a bad day is when we feel like we are not getting anything accomplished. Choose something manageable and complete it from start to finish, so that you are able to say that if everything went wrong at least you got something done!

Take Time for Yourself

If part of the reason why your day is so stressful is because your schedule is just so darn packed, why not cancel something of lesser importance and spend that time on yourself instead. That little task can be accomplished tomorrow, and you can spend the time going for a walk, taking a bath, or enjoying a cup of coffee instead. It might just be what you need to feel better again.

If your day starts out bad, don’t let it continue that way! Remember these tips for turning it into a good day instead.

Have you had a bad day recently?  What tips do you have to overcome them?


Got a Horrible Job and a Worse Boss? What to Do With a Job You Hate

Perhaps you once loved the job and now your enthusiasm has waned, perhaps you are realizing that the position is different than you imagined, or maybe you never even liked it in the first place. Either way, this is what to do if your 9-5 is more pain than pleasure:

See the Bright Side and Challenge Yourself

Even though you don’t love your job, it can’t be all bad. To get yourself through the day, focus on the aspects that you do enjoy about the experience. Perhaps you are good friends with a couple of your co-workers, you get employee perks, or you just love the free donuts in the break room. Pick out the things that you do enjoy and savor them, while trying not to focus on the bad. Another way to get yourself excited about getting up in the morning is to challenge yourself more. Perhaps you hate your job mostly because you feel bored and uninspired? Is there a new project you can take on or a new skill you can learn that will get you interested again?

Make a Plan to Get Out

The recently deceased founder of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs, once said, “When you wake up and you look in the mirror, ask yourself, do I really want to do what I’m about to do today? And if the answer is no too many times in a row, then you’ve got to change and do something because life is short!” If you truly hate your job, it’s time to make a plan to change your situation and do something different. Think about what your ideal work environment would be, and start to make a plan to transition from your current job to one that will make you happier.

Use It for Your Own Goals

Now that you have decided to transition out of your unsuitable job into a better one, don’t quit right away. It is much easier to find a new job while you are still employed, and continuing to work while you job search will eliminate any financial pressure so that you can take the time to find the job you really want. You can also use your job to achieve your new goals, such as switching to night shifts so that you can work while going back to university or taking employee training courses that will help you get your new position. Be discrete though, and don’t get caught printing out copies of your resume on the company computer!

Don’t Burn Your Bridges

When you finally get that new position and are ready to leave your despised job, you might be tempted to walk right up to your boss and finally unload that tirade of frustration that you have kept festering for so long. Don’t. Not only is this truly immature and unprofessional, but word gets around and you never know if your new employer might call your old boss for a reference. Always leave on good terms and be respectful.

Dealing with a job that you hate is not a fun experience, but don’t let it ruin your life.

Life is too short to spend 40 hours feeling miserable every week, so take action and do something about it!

What’s your worst boss story? Please share!

How Diverse Streams of Work Can Help You Keep Your Cash Flowing

Here is a different approach to financial security that you might not have thought of:

Imagine a full time job is like a large flowing river of income. With this one source, you have all of the financial flow that you could possibly need, and your expenses are covered in comfort. However, what about when something happens and the river ceases to flow? Your industry could experience a drought, or you could lose your job, causing the flow of that river of income to be dammed up forever.

Since you only relied on one source of income, now that it has dried up you are completely up the creek without a paddle. To start another river of that magnitude flowing will take time, and every day that no money flows in you are digging yourself deeper into debt.Living on a one-source income is great while the money is flowing, but it can be risky business because you never know what is coming around the river bend.

Establish Diverse Streams of Income

So how can you avoid the risk of relying completely on one income source? The solution is to restructure the way you make money, and divide your earning power into several diverse streams of income rather than just one. This could mean going freelance in your industry, working on several side projects, publishing something that generates royalties, or working two part time jobs rather than just one. Just like stock experts advise you to diversify your portfolio, diversifying your career is just as advantageous.

Let’s take the example of the freelancer. Although it might seem that their income is much less stable, because they are not in a conventional job, however their diversity is what keeps them afloat. Imagine that a freelancer is simultaneously working on 10 different small projects for 10 clients. If one of those 10 clients suddenly decides to pull the plug and let the freelancer go, they don`t panic. They will not even have to suffer financially because they still have 90% of their income to rely on while they search for a new client. A loss of income is only crippling if you only have one source to cover all of your needs.

When we bring it back to the river analogy, this strategy is like having several small streams, tributaries, creeks and brooks all flowing into one river. The volume of water is the same, but if one stream suddenly dries up the river will not stop flowing. The bonus advantage to this style of working is that you will be constantly invigorated by the diversity of your work, and you will be much less likely to become bored because you are engaged in such a variety of exciting projects.

Think about it, how can the concept of diverse streams of income help you?  What have you done to create stability in your income?

Clever Organization Tips that Will Make a Small Apartment Look Bigger

Organization is very important, and it becomes even more crucial when you live in a small space.

If you are a single person or a couple, living in a tiny apartment can be a great option, it just requires a bit more work to ensure that your space is organized well.

If you live in a small apartment, whether it is a one bedroom or a studio, you might that you struggle to make all of your possessions fit into your compact space. All of your closets are packed full, and you have to step over your computer chair to crawl into bed. To reduce your clutter and make the small space work better for you, here are some organization tips:

  • The first step is to prioritize how you most use your apartment. Do you often entertain guests? Do you work at home? Thinking about which activities you do the most will help you define your floor plan.
  • Another important step is to get rid of absolutely everything that you don’t need. There is no use keeping clutter when you don’t have the space for it, so have a big cleanout and give away or sell your junk.
  • Consider buying a bed that will make the most of your small space. You could choose a loft bed which is just like a bunk bed but with a desk and cabinets rather than a bottom bunk. This saves an enormous amount of floor space when one piece of furniture serves two purposes. Another example is a futon which folds into a sitting area during the day.
  • Use the space underneath your bed as storage. There are many different storage containers you can buy which are designed to slide right underneath the bed.
  • Invest in a table which offers the option of adding and removing leaves. You can expand it during a dinner party and then make it smaller for your daily use.
  • If your shoes are filling up your closet floor, get a shoe organizer that hangs over your closet door.
  • Get a basket which hangs over your shower head to store your shampoo, body wash, and washcloths. This will clear up a lot of space in your bathroom.

These are just a few ways that you can keep organized and make your small apartment feel much more spacious!

What other space-saving tips can you share?  Do you have pictures?  I’d love to see them!

Five Things to Do With a Windfall Other Than Spend It Right Away!

Perhaps you have won the lottery, received an inheritance, or cashed in one of your investments, and now you have a large sum of money you don’t know what to do with. Although it is tempting to cruise around town in a brand new sports car it is important to think carefully about how to spend your newfound cash.

To give you some ideas on the smartest way to use your new wealth, here are five things to do with a windfall other than spend it right away:

1. Erase Your Debt

Your newfound money will allow you to clear up all of your debts, which will lift a huge financial burden off your back and give you a lot of freedom. Start with the debts with the highest interest first, such as your credit card debts.

2. Create an Emergency Fund

Calculate how much money you would need to cover your living expenses for 6 months. Take this amount off your windfall and place it into a savings account. This money will be your failsafe. In case of an emergency, such as you hurt yourself, become ill, or lose your job, you will have enough money to live comfortably until times get better, without having to go into debt.

3. Invest in Your Home

If you spend your windfall on a renovation for your home, there is a good chance that you can increase your property value enough to make it more than worth it. Talk to estate agents in your area to determine which type of home improvement will increase your home’s value the most, but usually kitchens and bathrooms are the best rooms to update.

4. Buy a Vacation Property

Consider putting your newfound wealth into a holiday home overseas in a popular destination. You will be able to enjoy lounging on the beach there, and when you are not using it you can rent out the home to tourists to cover the costs. Later on in life when you want to retire, you will always have the option of moving there!

5. Live Off the Interest

If you won a million dollars in the lottery, you could spend it right away on a huge house and a car and then have nothing left. Or, you place it in an investment account and have it earn 6% annually. At this rate you would have approximately $5,000 per month or $60,000 per year without ever touching your initial sum. You could easily live off this amount and never have to work again.

These are a few ideas of what you could do with your money if you are lucky enough to receive an unexpected windfall.

Do you have any other ideas of how you could use your windfall?

Five Things You Can Clean With Simple Baking Soda

What do you get when you dissolve sodium carbonate into a carbon-dioxide-rich solution?

The answer is a simple household product that can be not only used in your favorite cooking recipe but can also be used to clean many different things in your home. 

Using baking soda to clean will also save you a lot of money, because it is much less expensive than brand name cleaning products especially when purchased in bulk. It is also non-toxic and so is a lot healthier for your family and your environment. 

Here are five things that you can clean with simple and easy to use baking soda:

1. Freshen Up Your Smelly Dog

Has Fido gone for a walk in the rain and perfumed your entire house with that lovely “wet-dog” smell? Baking soda will fix it! Just sprinkle some baking soda on the dog’s fur and gently brush it out and the baking soda will quickly clean and absorb the odour. 

2. Make Your Car Shine

To keep your car looking sparkling and brand new, you can make a light paste with water and baking soda and apply it with a soft rag. With a circular motion, use the rag to gently remove bird droppings and bug stains. Let the mixture set for approximately five minutes, and then wipe it clean with a wet rag.  

3. Get Rid of Greasy Stains

Don’t throw away that shirt just because you got grease on it! Try creating a paste with baking soda and water and leaving it on the stain for a while before placing it in the wash. You can also try adding a bit of baking soda into the washing machine. 

4. Scrub Down Your Lawn Furniture

When summer rolls around and you want to bring out your patio table and chairs for a warm weather barbeque, you want them looking their best and not covered in grime from your shed. Mix ¼ cup into one quart of warm water, and use this mixture to scrub your outdoor furniture until it is ready for summer!

5. Give your Child’s Toys a Bath

Don’t forget to clean your child’s toys, as little ones often place them in their mouths making them an easy carrier for germs. Submerging them in a mixture of ¼ cup baking soda in one quart of warm water and then rinsing them with clear water will do the trick!

These are just five of the hundreds of ways that you can use baking soda to clean!

Do you know of any others you can add to the list?  Please share!


How to Make Your Own Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

Many cleaning products that you buy in the store are made with harsh chemicals, which are hard on your skin as well as the environment. Did you know that you can make your own homemade versions of essential cleaning products which will be completely non-toxic and environmentally friendly? Try these easy recipes to clean your home in a healthier, and much cheaper, way:

Spray Cleaner

To create a multi-purpose spray cleaner, simply mix together one part white vinegar with one part water in a spray bottle. This mixture is great for cleaning countertops, kitchen ranges, bathroom sinks, toilets, shower walls, and much more. The white vinegar is mildly acidic and so it will dissolve the dirt and soap scum on these surfaces. However, it is so gentle that it can be used to clean hardwood flooring. Rather than overpowering odours with a strong synthetic scent the vinegar will absorb them and become odourless when dry. White vinegar is also colourless, meaning that it will not stain grout or countertops.

If you are struggling with really tough hard water deposits or soap scum, try using undiluted white vinegar straight from the jug.

Scouring Powder

To really tackle hard-to-clean grime, you can use simple baking powder as a scouring powder to scrub grimy rings around the bathtub or remove caked on food from the stovetop. Try making a paste of baking soda and water and applying it to the surface, leaving it to stand for 10 to 20 minutes. Baking soda also works to absorb odours.

Glass Cleaner

Try this recipe for a homemade glass cleaner than works just as well as any commercial product: mix one cup of rubbing alcohol, one cup of water, and one tablespoon of white vinegar. The rubbing alcohol can be found in your local pharmacy and works really well for cleaning windows because it evaporates when dry. This mixture can be used on mirrors and chrome fixtures as well, and it will give a shiny finish to ceramic tiles.  

Next time you need to clean your home, avoid the toxic store-bought chemicals and make your own homemade cleaning products instead. You will save the environment and some money too!

How to Write a Resume that Gets You Hired


How to Write a Resume that Gets You Hired
If you are applying for your dream job, it is definitely worth it to take the time and make sure that your resume is the absolute best it could be. Your resume is the first impression that your potential employer will have of you, and you want it to knock their socks off so that they have no choice but to invite you for an interview! Writing a killer resume that gets you in the door at your dream position is challenging, but completely worth the extra effort. 
Did you know that the techniques that fiction writers use to make a story more realistic can also be used to improve your resume? If you were writing a fiction story, you would want the reader to envision the scene that you were describing in strong and palpable detail. You would use powerful words and concrete descriptions to create this image in their head. This is no different than crafting a resume, as your goal is to make your potential employer create an image in their mind of you doing the job well. You can evoke this by using powerful words and concrete details. 
Powerful Words
When you are describing your accomplishments on your resume, stay away from stale, passive and cliché words and use “action” words instead. For example, saying that you were “responsible for increasing productivity in the group” is quite boring and doesn’t really say much about what you did. Use a powerful word like “Led” or “Directed” or “Accelerated” to show that you took control of the group. Then, explain exactly why the group was more productive when you were finished with them. Did you motivate them, develop a new organization strategy, or set direct goals and a plan to achieve them? Your final statement will end up saying something like “Accelerated group productivity by creating efficient methods of organization and time management.” That sounds much more dynamic, doesn’t it?
Concrete Details
To truly persuade your potential employer, use concrete details to make your achievements seem more real. Use actual specific numbers to show what you have done. For example, “Managed a profitable department” doesn’t sound nearly as good as “Managed a marketing department of 100 employees at XYZ Industries which grew profits by 56% in 2011.” Instead of just saying that you graduated from your University with a Bachelor of Science, boast about your 3.8 GPA and your $1200 in scholarships. Use stats, numbers, figures and specific achievements to highlight exactly how amazing you are. 
Using strong, active language and concrete facts and numbers will really make your achievements jump off the page. Writing your resume with these tips in mind will help you impress your potential employer and snag that ultimate job of your dreams!

If you are applying for your dream job, it is definitely worth it to take the time and make sure that your resume is the absolute best it could be. Your resume is the first impression that your potential employer will have of you, and you want it to knock their socks off so that they have no choice but to invite you for an interview! Writing a killer resume that gets you in the door at your dream position is challenging, but completely worth the extra effort. 

Did you know that the techniques that fiction writers use to make a story more realistic can also be used to improve your resume? If you were writing a fiction story, you would want the reader to envision the scene that you were describing in strong and palpable detail. You would use powerful words and concrete descriptions to create this image in their head. This is no different than crafting a resume, as your goal is to make your potential employer create an image in their mind of you doing the job well. You can evoke this by using powerful words and concrete details.

Powerful Words

When you are describing your accomplishments on your resume, stay away from stale, passive and cliché words and use “action” words instead. For example, saying that you were “responsible for increasing productivity in the group” is quite boring and doesn’t really say much about what you did. Use a powerful word like “Led” or “Directed” or “Accelerated” to show that you took control of the group. Then, explain exactly why the group was more productive when you were finished with them. Did you motivate them, develop a new organization strategy, or set direct goals and a plan to achieve them? Your final statement will end up saying something like “Accelerated group productivity by creating efficient methods of organization and time management.” That sounds much more dynamic, doesn’t it?

Concrete Details

To truly persuade your potential employer, use concrete details to make your achievements seem more real. Use actual specific numbers to show what you have done. For example, “Managed a profitable department” doesn’t sound nearly as good as “Managed a marketing department of 100 employees at XYZ Industries which grew profits by 56% in 2011.” Instead of just saying that you graduated from your University with a Bachelor of Science, boast about your 3.8 GPA and your $1200 in scholarships. Use stats, numbers, figures and specific achievements to highlight exactly how amazing you are. 

Using strong, active language and concrete facts and numbers will really make your achievements jump off the page. Writing your resume with these tips in mind will help you impress your potential employer and snag that ultimate job of your dreams!


Healthy Tricks to Wake Up Your Body on Tired Mornings


Healthy Tricks to Wake Up Your Body on Tired Mornings
We’ve all had those mornings when the gravitational pull from your pillow seems to require superhuman strength to resist, and you can barely see your alarm clock through blurry and squinting eyes. You nearly nod off on the train ride to work, and stare at the computer as the words and numbers swirl around incomprehensibly in your tired mind. 
The best way to avoid feeling like this is the mornings is of course to get a good night’s sleep the night before, but sometimes life keeps us up late for whatever reason and we just don’t get the rest that we need. On these mornings we need to jump start our brains so that we can manage to function and make it through the day. 
Perhaps you are using to guzzling coffee or cramming sugary breakfast treats on those zombie mornings, hoping that the caffeine and sugar will make you feel more human. Although you will get a short burst of energy for a while, you will ultimately find yourself crashing down from your sugar or caffeine high soon afterwards and feeling even worse than before. If you really want to wake your body up the natural and healthy way, here are some tips:
Drink a Huge Glass of Ice Cold Water
When you wake up in the morning, get yourself in the habit of downing a nice cold class of water. The icy temperature will send a shock to your system and immediately make you feel more alert. Keep a chilled bottle of water next to your desk all day and keep sipping from it. Being dehydrated actually makes you feel more fatigued, because it reduces your blood volume, so drinking water will help you take on the day. 
Get Up and Move
Doing quick five or ten minute bursts of physical activity will increase blood flow through your body, and this will increase your energy and banish your fatigue. When you first wake up, do jumping jacks, jog in place, or dance around to your favourite tune. Throughout the day when you feel yourself getting sleepy, get up and go for a walk around the office or do some stretches. 
Snack on Fruit
Rather than a sugary donut or pastry, try eating an apple, banana, nectarine or grapes for breakfast. The natural sugars will give you sustained energy, unlike the refined sugar in sweets that will just make you crash. 
Put on a Happy Tune
Listening to lively and upbeat music will keep your brain from getting bored and make it a lot harder to drift off while you are working. Put together a playlist of your favourite high-tempo songs and play them nice and loud in the mornings. Choose songs that inspire you, lift you up, and make you feel like doing something amazing with your day. 
These are just a few healthy and fun ways that you can wake yourself up and get going in the mornings!

We’ve all had those mornings when the gravitational pull from your pillow seems to require superhuman strength to resist, and you can barely see your alarm clock through blurry and squinting eyes. You nearly nod off on the train ride to work, and stare at the computer as the words and numbers swirl around incomprehensibly in your tired mind. 

The best way to avoid feeling like this is the mornings is of course to get a good night’s sleep the night before, but sometimes life keeps us up late for whatever reason and we just don’t get the rest that we need. On these mornings we need to jump start our brains so that we can manage to function and make it through the day. 

Perhaps you are used to guzzling coffee or cramming sugary breakfast treats in your mouth on those zombie mornings, hoping that the caffeine and sugar will make you feel more human. Although you will get a short burst of energy for a while, you will ultimately find yourself crashing down from your sugar or caffeine high soon afterwards and feeling even worse than before. If you really want to wake your body up the natural and healthy way, here are some tips:

Drink a Huge Glass of Ice Cold Water

When you wake up in the morning, get yourself in the habit of downing a nice cold class of water. The icy temperature will send a shock to your system and immediately make you feel more alert. Keep a chilled bottle of water next to your desk all day and keep sipping from it. Being dehydrated actually makes you feel more fatigued, because it reduces your blood volume, so drinking water will help you take on the day. 

Get Up and Move

Doing quick five or ten minute bursts of physical activity will increase blood flow through your body, and this will increase your energy and banish your fatigue. When you first wake up, do jumping jacks, jog in place, or dance around to your favourite tune. Throughout the day when you feel yourself getting sleepy, get up and go for a walk around the office or do some stretches. 

Snack on Fruit

Rather than a sugary donut or pastry, try eating an apple, banana, nectarine or grapes for breakfast. The natural sugars will give you sustained energy, unlike the refined sugar in sweets that will just make you crash. 

Put on a Happy Tune

Listening to lively and upbeat music will keep your brain from getting bored and make it a lot harder to drift off while you are working. Put together a playlist of your favourite high-tempo songs and play them nice and loud in the mornings. Choose songs that inspire you, lift you up, and make you feel like doing something amazing with your day. 

These are just a few healthy and fun ways that you can wake yourself up and get going in the mornings!