5 Power Saving Ideas That Can Lower Your Energy Bill

Energy Saving IdeasHow to Save Money on Energy Costs in Your Home

Many communities in US are seeing their energy costs increase; sometimes dramatically.

Whether you are energy conscious or just trying to save money, there are many steps you can take to lower your home bills while helping the environment at the same time.

Below are several energy-saving measures to help you save money either in your current house or future residence. 

Heating and cooling

Keeping your home at a comfortable temperature uses more energy than anything else.

To save energy, install a programmable thermostat to adjust the inside temperature when you are not there for long periods of time.

Seal windows and doors to prevent air leaks, and close doors and air vents to rooms that are not often used.

Changing filters in your heating system monthly can also help it run more efficiently, with the added bonus of increasing the air quality in your home.

Water heaters

Heating water is usually the second highest energy expense. To cut costs, set the hot water heater at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower. Wrap older hot water heaters with an insulation jacket and insulate the piping leaving the water heater to prevent heat loss.


Invest in appliances with the ENERGY STAR® rating. These appliances use less energy to run and will save money.

Cleaning the coils on the back of your refrigerator will help it run more efficiently.

Washing full loads of clothes on cooler settings and keeping your dryer vent clean will also save on energy costs.


Besides turning lights out when leaving a room, use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). These bulbs use less energy and can last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs.


Improperly insulated houses mean high energy costs. If the attic is easily accessible, check and replace insufficient insulation to keep your living space at a more comfortable temperature.

By making energy-efficient choices you can save electricity without giving up the comforts of home.  Plus, with a little extra effort these simple tips might add more money to your month as well!

Energy-Saving Tips For The Holiday Season

Energy-saving at holiday timeWith the holiday season comes more than colder weather — there are the parties, the baking, the fixing of family dinners, and, in some cases, the stringing of holiday lights. It’s also a time of year when home energy use can spike, leading to a very large January electricity bill.

This year, do what you can to conserve energy through the holidays and the New Year. Try following these simple tips.

If you string lights outside of your home, try LED (Light-Emitting Diode) lighting. LED lights use 86% less electricity than comparable incandescent lights and have numerous safety advantages. For example, LED lights are shatterproof, present no fire hazard, and, because they emit almost no heat, are safe to the touch. 

Reduce Your Home Thermostat
When you home is filled with people, or the ovens are working overtime, or both, the temperature can rise by several degrees. Rather than opening a window or leaving a door ajar, consider lowering your home’s thermostat, or turning off the heat altogether. Each degree “colder” that you set you set your thermostat decreases your home’s energy usage up to 3 percent.

Plan Your Meal
Holiday meals are often prepared in advance of dinner and then reheated or warmed to be ready for company. This leads to running the oven, microwave or stove-top multiple times for each served dish. When possible, prepare foods at the same time and warm in the oven at the same time. In running your appliances less, you will save on energy costs.

Use Your Dishwasher At Capacity
Some dishes require hand-washing. For everything else, use a dishwasher. Dishwashers use less water than is required to wash and rinse plates, utensils and pots and pans by hand. They can also use up to 50% less energy than is required to heat the water you’ll need to wash your dishes manually.

The holiday season can be full of excesses. Don’t let your energy bill be one of them.

How to Boost Your Energy Level

TiredAre you feeling lethargic and tired?

Having low energy levels can make even the most basic tasks seem daunting and can really negatively affect your productivity.

When we are at work and we feel our energy levels start to drop we are more likely to get distracted and be lead off task, or make errors and mistakes in our work.

How can you lift your energy levels so that you can get more done and take on life?

  • Get some exercise. Go for a ten minute walk, do some yoga, or dance around the room to a good song. Getting your body moving will increase circulation, boost happy endorphins and give you a burst of energy.
  • Take a quick nap. This doesn’t work for everyone because some people find that sleeping in the middle of the day makes them feel even groggier. However, if you can lie down for a quick 10-30 minute snooze this can sometimes really reinvigorate you.
  • Talk to someone who inspires you. When you speak to a positive friend this can really boost your energy.
  • Choose something small and easily achievable on your to-do list and get it done. The satisfaction of checking off that item will make you feel great and give you more energy.
  • Avoid reaching for sugary snacks to give you a boost of energy. Sure, they will make you a bit hyper for a while but then you will get a post-sugar-binge crash and that is not pretty. Instead, look for healthy treats such as granola bars, fruit, nuts and water which will give you lasting energy.
  • Breathe deeply! You might be feeling less energetic because you are not getting enough oxygen, so sit up straight and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth.

These are just a few ways that you can revitalize yourself quickly and get your energy levels high again so that you can achieve something great today!

You Need More Sleep! Do You Have A Bedtime Ritual?

What do you do before you go to sleep?

Everyone has a habit of what they do before bed, but some of these habits are better than others. 


If you find yourself squinting at the computer answering work emails late at night, watching disturbing events on the news, or eating large amounts of food right before bed and then wondering why you are tossing and turning, your bedtime routine might be the culprit. Statistics show that 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, and seven out of ten people in the USA report frequent problems getting to sleep.

Bedtime Ritual
Lack of sleep is linked to increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, stroke and depression, not to mention that beingtired makes you more irritable, less alert, and less productive. This is why it is so important to prepare for sleep with a healthy bedtime ritual.

If you have a relaxing bedtime ritual that helps you unwind before bed, you will fall asleep easier and enjoy a much deeper sleep. A peaceful bedtime routine will send signals to your brain, letting it know that it is time to let go of all the stresses of the day and get some rest. Here are some tips for creating a relaxing bedtime ritual that will prepare you for a great night’s sleep:
  • Turn off all electronics. The flickering glow from your laptop, mobile phone, and television is stimulating your brain, so turn these things off to help you make the transition into sleep.
  • Try drinking some warm spiced milk with nutmeg. This common kitchen spice is thought of as one of the best medicines for calming the nervous system, relaxing the mind and promoting sound sleep. The calcium in the milk has also been proven to help you relax.
  • Take a hot bath. Studies have shown that body temperature has an influence on how fast you fall asleep. Scientists have established that a drop in temperature is what tells your body to go to sleep, and by taking a hot bath you can raise your body temperature artificially and then allow it to drop as you are drifting off to sleep.
  • Do some gentle stretching or yoga. This will relax your muscles and calm down your breathing. You might also want to try a few moments of quiet meditation.
  • Read a favorite book or magazine by soft light. Adjusting to the lower lighting of the room will help let your brain know that it is time to sleep.

Try adding some of these relaxing habits to your bedtime routine and you will find yourself enjoying a much more relaxing and restful sleep!