Ten Strange Facts You Didn’t Know About Sleep and Dreams

The human brain is fascinating and bizarre, and even the most advanced scientists still don’t understand exactly how it works. One of the strangest phenomena that the brain produces is dreams. What are these sleeping hallucinations and why do we have them? There are many theories as to why we dream, but no one really fully understands the science of sleep and dreaming.

Here are ten of the strangest facts about sleeping and dreaming:What is a dream?

  1. Within five minutes of waking up, you have already forgotten 50% of your dream. Within 10 minutes of awakening, you will have forgotten 90%.
  2. People who have been blind since birth do not see images in their dreams, but they do dream about smells, sounds, sensations, and emotions.
  3. Your mind does not invent characters for your dreams, as any human face in your dreams is someone that you have already seen before. You might not consciously remember seeing them, as they might have been just a face in the crowd, but your mind stores in your subconscious.
  4. The most common emotion reported to be experienced in a dream is anxiety.
  5. Not being allowed to dream can make you crazy. A study showed that people who were woken up and not allowed to experience the Rapid Eye Movement stage of sleep when dreams occur, experienced a vast array of psychological symptoms within only three days including irritability, loss of concentration, and hallucinations. As soon as they were allowed to dream again, their brains compensated by increasing the percentage of REM sleep within their sleep cycle.
  6. The outside world can enter your dreams. While you are sleeping your senses are still alert and outside stimuli will have an effect on what you are dreaming. Have you ever had an outside noise incorporate itself into your dream, or dream that you are drinking water and then wake up to find that you are very thirsty?
  7. Statistics show that 1% or less of the adult population is prone to sleepwalking.
  8. There have been many famous reports of dreams predicting the future. A few days before he died, Abraham Lincoln was said to tell his wife about a dream that he had. He was looking at a coffin surrounded by hundreds of people mourning. A soldier beside him in the dream told him that the president had been assassinated.
  9. The dreaming stage of sleep, known as “REM” stage, is beneficial in helping us learn. When we dream, the cerebral cortex is stimulated and protein is increased in the brain, helping us to increase our mental power and develop new neural pathways in the brain.
  10. The most common negative dreams include falling, being chased by something, being at school, and having your teeth fall out.

You Need More Sleep! Do You Have A Bedtime Ritual?

What do you do before you go to sleep?

Everyone has a habit of what they do before bed, but some of these habits are better than others. 


If you find yourself squinting at the computer answering work emails late at night, watching disturbing events on the news, or eating large amounts of food right before bed and then wondering why you are tossing and turning, your bedtime routine might be the culprit. Statistics show that 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia, and seven out of ten people in the USA report frequent problems getting to sleep.

Bedtime Ritual
Lack of sleep is linked to increased risk of hypertension, diabetes, obesity, heart attack, stroke and depression, not to mention that beingtired makes you more irritable, less alert, and less productive. This is why it is so important to prepare for sleep with a healthy bedtime ritual.

If you have a relaxing bedtime ritual that helps you unwind before bed, you will fall asleep easier and enjoy a much deeper sleep. A peaceful bedtime routine will send signals to your brain, letting it know that it is time to let go of all the stresses of the day and get some rest. Here are some tips for creating a relaxing bedtime ritual that will prepare you for a great night’s sleep:
  • Turn off all electronics. The flickering glow from your laptop, mobile phone, and television is stimulating your brain, so turn these things off to help you make the transition into sleep.
  • Try drinking some warm spiced milk with nutmeg. This common kitchen spice is thought of as one of the best medicines for calming the nervous system, relaxing the mind and promoting sound sleep. The calcium in the milk has also been proven to help you relax.
  • Take a hot bath. Studies have shown that body temperature has an influence on how fast you fall asleep. Scientists have established that a drop in temperature is what tells your body to go to sleep, and by taking a hot bath you can raise your body temperature artificially and then allow it to drop as you are drifting off to sleep.
  • Do some gentle stretching or yoga. This will relax your muscles and calm down your breathing. You might also want to try a few moments of quiet meditation.
  • Read a favorite book or magazine by soft light. Adjusting to the lower lighting of the room will help let your brain know that it is time to sleep.

Try adding some of these relaxing habits to your bedtime routine and you will find yourself enjoying a much more relaxing and restful sleep!

Healthy Tricks to Wake Up Your Body on Tired Mornings


Healthy Tricks to Wake Up Your Body on Tired Mornings
We’ve all had those mornings when the gravitational pull from your pillow seems to require superhuman strength to resist, and you can barely see your alarm clock through blurry and squinting eyes. You nearly nod off on the train ride to work, and stare at the computer as the words and numbers swirl around incomprehensibly in your tired mind. 
The best way to avoid feeling like this is the mornings is of course to get a good night’s sleep the night before, but sometimes life keeps us up late for whatever reason and we just don’t get the rest that we need. On these mornings we need to jump start our brains so that we can manage to function and make it through the day. 
Perhaps you are using to guzzling coffee or cramming sugary breakfast treats on those zombie mornings, hoping that the caffeine and sugar will make you feel more human. Although you will get a short burst of energy for a while, you will ultimately find yourself crashing down from your sugar or caffeine high soon afterwards and feeling even worse than before. If you really want to wake your body up the natural and healthy way, here are some tips:
Drink a Huge Glass of Ice Cold Water
When you wake up in the morning, get yourself in the habit of downing a nice cold class of water. The icy temperature will send a shock to your system and immediately make you feel more alert. Keep a chilled bottle of water next to your desk all day and keep sipping from it. Being dehydrated actually makes you feel more fatigued, because it reduces your blood volume, so drinking water will help you take on the day. 
Get Up and Move
Doing quick five or ten minute bursts of physical activity will increase blood flow through your body, and this will increase your energy and banish your fatigue. When you first wake up, do jumping jacks, jog in place, or dance around to your favourite tune. Throughout the day when you feel yourself getting sleepy, get up and go for a walk around the office or do some stretches. 
Snack on Fruit
Rather than a sugary donut or pastry, try eating an apple, banana, nectarine or grapes for breakfast. The natural sugars will give you sustained energy, unlike the refined sugar in sweets that will just make you crash. 
Put on a Happy Tune
Listening to lively and upbeat music will keep your brain from getting bored and make it a lot harder to drift off while you are working. Put together a playlist of your favourite high-tempo songs and play them nice and loud in the mornings. Choose songs that inspire you, lift you up, and make you feel like doing something amazing with your day. 
These are just a few healthy and fun ways that you can wake yourself up and get going in the mornings!

We’ve all had those mornings when the gravitational pull from your pillow seems to require superhuman strength to resist, and you can barely see your alarm clock through blurry and squinting eyes. You nearly nod off on the train ride to work, and stare at the computer as the words and numbers swirl around incomprehensibly in your tired mind. 

The best way to avoid feeling like this is the mornings is of course to get a good night’s sleep the night before, but sometimes life keeps us up late for whatever reason and we just don’t get the rest that we need. On these mornings we need to jump start our brains so that we can manage to function and make it through the day. 

Perhaps you are used to guzzling coffee or cramming sugary breakfast treats in your mouth on those zombie mornings, hoping that the caffeine and sugar will make you feel more human. Although you will get a short burst of energy for a while, you will ultimately find yourself crashing down from your sugar or caffeine high soon afterwards and feeling even worse than before. If you really want to wake your body up the natural and healthy way, here are some tips:

Drink a Huge Glass of Ice Cold Water

When you wake up in the morning, get yourself in the habit of downing a nice cold class of water. The icy temperature will send a shock to your system and immediately make you feel more alert. Keep a chilled bottle of water next to your desk all day and keep sipping from it. Being dehydrated actually makes you feel more fatigued, because it reduces your blood volume, so drinking water will help you take on the day. 

Get Up and Move

Doing quick five or ten minute bursts of physical activity will increase blood flow through your body, and this will increase your energy and banish your fatigue. When you first wake up, do jumping jacks, jog in place, or dance around to your favourite tune. Throughout the day when you feel yourself getting sleepy, get up and go for a walk around the office or do some stretches. 

Snack on Fruit

Rather than a sugary donut or pastry, try eating an apple, banana, nectarine or grapes for breakfast. The natural sugars will give you sustained energy, unlike the refined sugar in sweets that will just make you crash. 

Put on a Happy Tune

Listening to lively and upbeat music will keep your brain from getting bored and make it a lot harder to drift off while you are working. Put together a playlist of your favourite high-tempo songs and play them nice and loud in the mornings. Choose songs that inspire you, lift you up, and make you feel like doing something amazing with your day. 

These are just a few healthy and fun ways that you can wake yourself up and get going in the mornings!