ITIN Loans: Are These Loans Right For You?

ITIN Loans: Are These Loans Right For You?As you take a look at your mortgage options, you might find that a conventional mortgage presents a few qualification challenges. Fortunately, there are other options available, and you might be able to pursue an ITIN loan. This stands for Individual Tax Identification Number, and Individual Tax Identification Number loans could be beneficial for people cannot get approved for a qualified mortgage. What do you need to know about the process?

What Are The Requirements Of An ITIN Loan?

First, you need to get an Individual Tax Identification Number. While you do not need a Social Security Number, you might need to fill out Form W-7. Then, you need to provide supplemental documents, such as tax returns, that can confirm that you are not a citizen of the United States. They might ask you for other documents, such as your driver’s license or birth certificate.

With your Individual Tax Identification Number, you can apply for a home loan. Like any other mortgage, you should be expected to provide your proof of income, assets, or employment. Then, they will run a credit check before deciding whether to grant you a loan.

What Are The Benefits Of An ITIN Loan?

There are a few benefits of an Individual Tax Identification Number loan. This is a great way to build your credit score, and you can get this type of loan even if you are not a legal resident of the United States. You also do not need to have a Social Security Number to qualify for this type of loan. It opens the door to more flexibility and provides those without citizenship with the opportunity to buy property in the United States.

Consider Getting An ITIN Loan To Help You Buy A House

There are plenty of ways to qualify for homeowners, and an Individual Tax Identification Number loan could be right for you. Remember that there are plenty of loan options out there, and the right option for one buyer might not be the right option for someone else. Consider reaching out to an expert who can help you figure out if an ITIN loan is right for you. 

Why Your Kitchen Features Matter

Why Your Kitchen Features MatterIf you are interested in purchasing a house in the near future, you need to pay close attention to your kitchen. The kitchen is considered to be the heart of the home, and you need to make sure the kitchen is laid out appropriately. You need the kitchen to match your expectations, but you also need to pick a kitchen that will help you maximize the value of your home if you decide to sell it down the road. What are a few of the most important examples of kitchen features you need to pay attention to?

The Cabinets 

Always take a close look at the cabinets. Look at the inside of the cabinets for signs of water damage, and make sure the cabinets are aligned appropriately. If the cabinet doors do not open and close properly, it can be a significant problem when you are trying to cook in the kitchen. Cabinets are often the most expensive part of a kitchen remodel. 

The Backsplash

You should also pay close attention to the backsplash. You need the backsplash to completely cover the area between the counters and the cabinets. You do not want the backsplash to be too short. Otherwise, you expose the wall to additional stress when you are cooking. 

The Kitchen Island

A kitchen island is often the gold standard when it comes to a kitchen. This additional feature can significantly increase the value of your home, but you need to make sure the island is in the right location. For example, you need the island to be close enough to the workspaces in your kitchen, such as the stove and refrigerator. You also want it to be centered in the kitchen itself.

Think About These Key Kitchen Features

These are just a few of the most important examples of kitchen features that you need to think about when you are interested in purchasing a house. Remember that these features need to match your needs, but you also need to think about how much money you can get for the house if you sell it down the road. Pay close attention to these kitchen features when you are looking for a new house.


What You Need To Know About A Closed-End Second Mortgage

What You Need To Know About A Closed-End Second Mortgage

A home is probably one of the most expensive purchases you will ever make. It is important for you to understand all of the options available to you, particularly if you need a quick source of cash, and you might be thinking about taking out a second mortgage. You can use a closed-end second mortgage to cover the cost of repairs, medical debt, and even consolidate your other sources of debt. How do you know if this option is right for you?

An Overview Of A Closed-End Second Mortgage

If you decide to take out a second mortgage, you will typically withdraw the cash you need. Then, if you need more cash in the future, you can take out more down the road. In contrast, with a closed-end second mortgage, you will receive the entire loan amount upfront. Then, you will not be able to withdraw any additional cash if you need more because you have already withdrawn the maximum limit. Generally, you can withdraw up to 80 percent of your home’s equity value, but there are many factors that will dictate your limit.

The Pros

Before deciding whether this is the right option for you, you must weigh the benefits and drawbacks. The biggest benefit is that it gives you access to a quick, large, lump sum payment. You can use this to cover home renovations and pay off debt. You also get access to a fixed interest rate. Unlike other options, you don’t have to worry about the interest rate changing.

The Cons

On the other hand, there are some drawbacks you might notice. You have to use your home as collateral, so you risk losing your home if you can’t meet the payments. In addition, you will probably incur higher closing expenses, and you may have to pay a higher interest rate. This is particularly true if you are taking out a large amount of money.

Weigh Your Options Carefully Before Deciding On A Second Mortgage

If you are looking for a second mortgage, you need to think about all of your options carefully before you decide which one is right for your needs. Consider reaching out to an expert who can help you.

Getting A Mortgage When Self-Employed: What You Need To Know

getting-a-mortgage-when-self-employed-what-you-need-to-knowThere is a common misconception that someone who is self-employed will not have the tax records or income necessary to qualify for a mortgage; however, that is not necessarily the case. In reality, if you are self-employed, there are a lot of home loan options available to you. It is true that it might require some additional paperwork and planning, but as long as you have the necessary information, you should be able to qualify for a mortgage. 

What Is Necessary To Qualify For A Self-Employed Mortgage Loan?

If you are interested in taking out a mortgage when you are self-employed, you will be held to the same standards as everyone else. This means that the lender is going to require a solid credit score, a long credit history, a favorable debt-to-income ratio, and enough money to cover the down payment. In addition, you will also have to demonstrate a solid income history, just like everybody else. 

That is where the difference comes into play. A W-2 employee may be able to provide a few pay stubs, but someone who is self-employed may be required to provide up to two years of self-employment income. 

How Do I Maximize My Chances Of Getting Approved?

If you are self-employed and want to maximize your chances of getting approved for a self-employed mortgage, there are a few steps you should take. First, you need to make sure your debt-to-income ratio is as low as possible. That way, you can reduce the risk to the lender. You can also improve your chances by preparing financial documents ahead of time. That might mean including profit and loss statements, two years of tax returns, and 2 years of business taxes if you have them. Do not forget that improving your credit score and putting more money down can improve your chances of getting approved. 

Lengthen Your Income History

Finally, if you are serious about getting approved, lengthen your income history. Show that you are willing to provide a longer track record of income, and the bank will feel better about providing you with a self-employed mortgage loan. That way, you have the financing to purchase the house of your dreams. 


On Time, Every Time: How Being Late on Monthly Payments Can Affect Your Mortgage

On Time, Every Time: How Being Late on Monthly Payments Can Affect Your MortgageAre you the type of person that struggles with remembering to pay their bills on time? You’re not alone. People across the country regularly submit late monthly payments, inflicting terrible damage to their credit. Let’s take a quick look at how paying your loan or other monthly payments late can have a negative impact on your mortgage.

Your Credit Score Is At Risk

As you already know, almost all banks, credit cards, mortgage companies and other lenders rely on your credit score to help assess the risk of lending money to you. Paying any of your payments late – even something as small as your mobile phone bill or a department store credit card – can result in negative marks showing up on your credit report. If you are late enough times or fail to repay the late payment in full, then your score will start to drop.

Refinancing Can Be Affected

If you already have a mortgage, then a lower credit score can be a problem when you try to refinance. The process of refinancing involves taking out a new mortgage, in which your lender will reassess your risk using your credit score as one of the indicators. If you have been making late payments, you might end up having to settle for a higher interest rate or you may even be declined for the new mortgage.

Making A Late Payment? Contact Your Lender

If you are caught in a bind and have to make a late payment, it is best to get a call in to your lender as soon as possible. First, there may be a grace period in which you can be a few days late without any penalty. If that little bit of breathing room is all you need to get caught up, you’re set. If not, you can let them know your circumstances and discuss what options you have.

It is essential to pay your monthly payments on time, even if it means making some small sacrifices in other areas. The better your credit score looks, the more opportunities you will have to make positive financial moves in the future. To learn more about monthly mortgage payments or to take out a mortgage on a new home, contact us today. Our team of mortgage professionals is here to help you find a mortgage to buy the home of your dreams.

What Is A Loan Contingency: An Overview

What Is A Loan Contingency: An OverviewIf you are in the process of looking for a new home, you need to find the right one to meet your needs. Sometimes, you want to learn more about specific properties before you decide if it is right for you. As a result, a lot of prospective buyers will include contingencies in their home offers that may allow them to back out without losing their earnest money. What are a few examples of loan contingencies, and how can you use them to protect yourself during the process? 

Examples Of Common Loan Contingencies

Even if you have agreed on a purchase price for the house, the closing date is probably not going to be for one or two months. This will provide you with time to complete your due diligence and make sure no issues come up. For example, there may be a contingency that allows the closing date to be extended if there are any issues with the financing process through the lender. 

You might also decide to include a contingency clause in case something develops with the home inspection. If something is wrong with the home inspection, you may provide yourself with an opportunity to pull out of the deal without losing your earnest money. 

How A Loan Contingency Clause Protects The Buyer

It is important for buyers to work with real estate agents who understand how loan contingencies work because this is an important protective measure. A contingency clause can protect the buyer because it provides the buyer with a way to back out of the contract without losing his or her earnest money. 

Typically, if the buyer backs out of the contract, he or she will lose his or her earnest money; however, if the buyer backs out for a reason that is protected by the contingency clause, then his or her earnest money might be protected. 

Some Buyers Waive Their Loan Contingency

If the housing market is particularly competitive, and you know you are going to purchase the house no matter what, then you might want to waive your loan contingency as a way to strengthen your offer. On the other hand, keep in mind that waving your loan contingency means sacrificing this important layer of protection. 


An Often-Overlooked Trick Can Help You Afford A Second House

An Often-Overlooked Trick Can Help You Afford A Second HouseThe whole idea of investing is to use a portion of your money now to get more down the road. It is important for everyone to diversify their investments, and you might be thinking about buying a second house to do so. Investing in real estate is a goal that a lot of people have, but how can you get started? It was challenging enough to buy your first house, so how can you afford a second one? 

Use A Cash-Out Refinance To Buy Your Second House

One trick that many people overlook is that they can actually conduct a cash-out refinance to purchase a second house. In general, your lender will allow you to cash out up to 80 percent of the value of your home during a cash-out refinance. This can give you a tremendous amount of flexibility that you can use to purchase a second house. For example, if your house is worth $300,000, you may be able to withdraw tens of thousands of dollars in equity.

What To Consider When Using A Cash-Out Refinance

When you apply for a cash-out refinance, there is a chance that the interest rate on your new loan might change. This might mean that you end up with a higher interest rate than before. You must make sure you can afford this new interest rate. Furthermore, you will be required to pay closing expenses. You need to have enough money set aside to cover those closing expenses. Keep in mind that the term of the loan might change as well. If you were close to paying off your house, this type of refinance might reset that clock. It might take you longer to pay off your mortgage than it did before. Consider these factors carefully before conducting a cash-out refinance.

A Cash-Out Refinance Might Be Right For You

In the end, a cash-out refinance could be a great way for you to withdraw equity from your home, using it to purchase an investment property. On the other hand, you need to ensure you can still afford the new loan after you take that equity out of your home. Work with an expert who can help you find the right option to meet your needs.


How Do You Actually Write The Check To Buy A House?

How Do You Actually Write The Check To Buy A House?After you have found the right house to meet your needs, you need to make the down payment to complete the transaction. Can you show up at the closing table with a suitcase full of cash? Of course, that would be a bit suspect, so that is not actually how it happens. What do you need to do to actually hand over the funds to buy the house? 

The Down Payment Is Verified Beforehand

First, understand that the down payment is usually verified before you agree to the deal. Your real estate agent will work with you and the seller’s agent to ensure that you actually have the funds needed to buy the house. For example, you might need to send screenshots of your bank balance or investment portfolio as proof that you have the money. Your agent will work with you to ensure your confidential information remains so.

The Funds Are Typically Given Using A Wire Transfer

When it is time for you to complete the actual transaction, the real estate attorney will handle just about everything. The attorney will be responsible for collecting the money from the sale and ensuring that everyone gets the money they are owed. The attorney will provide you with the account information for where you need to wire the money. Prior to the closing date, you need to go to the bank and work with one of their experts to ensure the money is in your account and wired to the correct account destination.

The Real Estate Agent Will Confirm The Process Is Done

It is best not to wait until the last minute to wire the money into the account. Try to do this process ahead of time, and make sure either the attorney or your real estate agent says that the process has been completed. You do not want to run the risk of missing your closing date. If you have questions about the process, make sure you give the attorney’s office plenty of time to respond to you.

Determine Your Budget With The Help Of Your Real Estate Agent

This process is important for making sure you can afford the house you want. Work with your real estate agent to ensure you have the necessary funds for the down payment.


In a Hurry to Buy a Home? Speed Your Mortgage Approval up by Following This Checklist

In a Hurry to Buy a Home? Speed Your Mortgage Approval up by Following This ChecklistHave you finally found your dream home after months of searching, only to discover that the seller has received other offers? Few circumstances can raise your stress level as much as finding yourself in a bidding war against another buyer. However, being unprepared by not having your finances in order can make the situation even worse. Let’s take a quick look at a few ways that you can speed up your mortgage approval if you are in a hurry to buy your next home.

Pull Your Credit Report ASAP

The first step you will want to do is check your credit report so you have an idea what your mortgage lender will be seeing. You can get a free copy from the major credit reporting agencies up to once per year, so take advantage. There are scams out there, so be sure to only request a report from a government-approved credit agency.

Get All Of Your Paperwork Ready Before You Go In

You will want to gather up as much financial documentation as you can before heading in to meet with your mortgage advisor. Pay stubs, tax forms, and bank statements are all going to be required to prove that you are accurately reporting your current financial situation. You will also want to be able to provide reasons for any substantial loans or other transactions that have taken place in the past couple of years.

Share It All And Keep No Secrets

If you want your mortgage approval to come back quickly, it’s best to be truthful and hold nothing back during the application process. If you lie or try to gloss over areas that you feel are a bit negative, it can end up delaying your approval. Be straight with your advisor and don’t keep any secrets from them.

Work With A Professional Team

Last but not least, if you want the fastest possible mortgage approval you will want to work with a professional team. An experienced mortgage advisor knows the ins-and-outs of the mortgage marketplace. They know which lenders will be able to process quickly and which tend to be on the slower side. If you try to borrow a mortgage from a bank or large lender, you are tied into their process which may not be as quick as you would like.

When you’re ready to buy a home, give us a call. Our mortgage team is happy to help you secure your financing, no matter how much of a hurry you might be in. We look forward to assisting you!

House Poor: What It Means And How To Avoid It

House Poor: What It Means And How To Avoid ItThere is a good chance you have heard someone described as being house poor. What exactly does it mean? It is important to understand what it means to be house poor and how you can stay away from it.

House Poor Means Spending A Significant Chunk Of Your Income On Housing

Being house-poor means different things for different people. In general, it means spending a significant amount of your monthly income on recurring expenses related to your house. A few examples include your mortgage, the interest on your mortgage, your property taxes, and HOA expenses. Owning a house can be expensive, and it is important for you to budget carefully. In general, you could not spend more than one-third of your monthly pay on your rent or your mortgage. If you are spending significantly more than this recommendation, you might qualify as house-poor. 

How To Avoid Becoming House-Poor

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can follow if you want to avoid becoming house-poor. First, make sure you budget ahead of time. Understand exactly how much money you can spend on your home, and make every effort to stick to that number. Furthermore, before you purchase a house, make sure you get a home inspection completed. There are a lot of people who have their savings wiped out by unforeseen expenses. If you get an inspection before you buy a house, you can plan for those ahead of time. Finally, make sure you reduce your debt-to-income ratio before you buy a house. That way, you can qualify for the best home loan possible.

Do Not Spend More On Housing Than You Can Afford

In the end, it is critical for you to avoid spending more money on your house than you can afford. Remember that you should not spend more than one-third of your monthly pay on housing. If you do, your budget may be stretched thin and other areas, and you might have a difficult time covering other expenses. Do not hesitate to reach out to an expert who can help you find the right house for yourself and your family.