The Importance of Paying Yourself First

Blue Piggy BankIf you are like most other average Americans you will have a list of bills that you have to pay every month, such as rent, cable, internet, cell phone, water, electricity and much more.

If you were to list each of these monthly expenses in order of importance, which would be number one?

The answer is none, because there is one payment you need to make which is even more important than all of these and that is to yourself.

The bill of “You” should be the first payment you make before you make any of your other payments. You can pay this bill by contributing a certain amount of your paycheck into your savings account.

Why is this so important?

It is extremely important because saving your money for the future should not be optional. If you are not consistently saving at least 10% of your income, you are actually living beyond your means.

If you do not pay yourself into your savings account, you will never be able to fund large purchases in life and will have to subject yourself to debt in order to buy what you need.

If an emergency such as losing your job or injuring yourself, you will have no emergency fund to take care of you and you will again be forced into debt.

When you are old enough to retire, you will have amassed no retirement nest egg to support yourself, unless you have been paying yourself first.

Check out a short video on the power of savings here 

Make it Foolproof and Automatic

Call your financial planner right now and ask them if they can set up an automatic direct deposit from your bank account to your savings or investment account.

Schedule it every month for the day that your paycheck comes in. If you earn $400 take home pay per week for example, 10% of this is $40, so you should set up the deposit to put $40 into your savings account every week.

Pretend that it is just another bill for a service that you have signed up for. After a while, you will adjust your spending habits and get used to not having it. Meanwhile, the money will be building up in your savings account and compounding interest.

Paying yourself first with a manageable percentage of your income is one of the easiest ways to grow your savings and prepare for the future. 

It Is Easier to Spend Less Than Make More

No matter how much or how little you’re paid, you’ll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn.

This little piece of wisdom is incredibly common sense when you think about it, yet with so many Blue Pig BankAmericans in debt it’s clear that not everyone follows it in practice.

Living within your means is one of the best ways that you can save your money and set yourself up for financial freedom and prosperity.

Living within your means is very simple, it means that you are spending less money than you are making.

This allows you to put the extra money into a savings account so that you can have a back-up fund for emergencies, save for large purchases, or fund your dreams and passions such as travel or a hobby.

If you are spending more money than you are making, there are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Spend Less.
  2. Make More.

Depending on your situation, most people will find that making more money is the harder of the two options. Usually to make more money you will either have to get a raise at your current job, find a higher paying one, or take on a second job.

This requires a lot of extra work and it is not always possible. Also, making more money can be inefficient, because whatever extra you make will still be subjected to taxes and is worth a lot less when it finally ends up in your bank account.

By far, the easier option is to spend less. If you’re like most people, you already spend a lot of money on things that you just don’t need.

The thing about cutting down your expenses is that although you might notice the difference at first, you will soon get used to life without those added luxurious and not even notice that they are gone.

Meanwhile, your savings will continue to slowly build until you are in a wonderful position of financial security and freedom.


Things You Just Do Not Need to Spend Money On

Dog ToysAre you spending your money on things which are completely unnecessary? If you are looking to save money and help your finances go further in these tough economic times, examine your spending habits and see if there are any needless expenses you can cut from your budget.

Here are some examples of things that you really don’t need to spend money on:

Shampoo and Blowout at a Salon

Today I phoned up two nearby haircutting places. One of them was a trendy salon which said that they would charge $40 for a shampoo, haircut, and blow dry. The other was a budget haircutting place would said that they would charge $15 for a wet down and a cut.

Think about it. The fancy salon wants to charge you $25 for washing your hair, something that you do every morning in the shower for free.

As long as you are getting a basic trim and not getting your hair done for a wedding or a special occasion, why pay over twice as much when you can wash your own hair before you get there?

Dog Toys

Your dog loves to have something to chew on, but he doesn’t know the difference if it is a cute little squeaky hamburger from that high end pet shop or a grimy old tennis ball from the garage.

In fact, the grimy old tennis ball probably has more flavors. Besides, he is going to destroy it within a few days anyway. Don’t waste your money on expensive dog toys that just don’t last, and make your own instead out of old socks, jeans, and rope. Look online for easy instructions.

Bottled Water

Do you buy a bottle of water at the store every time you are thirsty?

Not only is this excessive use of plastic not good for the environment, you are also needlessly wasting your money. Instead, buy a sturdy portable water bottle and bring it with you wherever you go in your bag or in your car.

Fill it up with fresh and cold water from your faucet or refrigerator every morning. Even if your tap water isn’t very good, you can buy a water filter for less than you will spend on bottled water in a week.

Stop spending money on these things you just don’t need, and you will have more left over for the things that you really do need.

The Most Popular New Years Resolutions in North America

What are the most common things that North Americans make goals to accomplish in the coming year when New Year’s comes around? HereHappy New Year are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions, and tips for making them happen.

Spending More Time with Family and Friends

The polls have suggested that more than half of Americans vowed to spend more time with their loved ones in the New Year. As the years pass by we realized that one of most important things about life is who we spend our time with, and the urge is there to reconnect and enjoy quality moments with people we care about.

Why not set up a weekly date with a friend or a family member to enjoy a favorite activity together?

Lose Weight and Become Healthier

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions year after year is a goal to shed pounds, build muscle and eat better. January is a bumper month for gym memberships, personal trainers, and weight loss programs. It’s great to have a goal to lead a healthier lifestyle, as obesity is becoming a serious health threat to our nation.

However, creating and maintaining a healthy physique requires a long term change in habits and not just a short lived fad diet so make sure that the changes you are making are sustainable.

Quit Smoking

Many people make the vow on January 1st to put down the cigarettes forever, saving themselves from a higher risk of lung cancer and a host of other respiratory ailments. They are rewarded with better health and a sense of accomplishment if they are successful in kicking the habit, but it’s not easy.

Cigarettes are so addictive, and the statistics say that %99 of people who try to quit will fail the first time. However, don’t give up if you have tried to quit and failed. Get your friends to help you commit to kicking the habit, and promise yourself a reward every time you get through another week smoke free.

Get Out of Debt                               

Many Americans have a nasty debt hanging over their heads, whether it is a credit card, student loan, car loan, or something else. One of the most popular resolutions for the year for many people will be to eliminate that debt and get finances their back in the black again.

If you want to be successful in eliminating your debts, make a budget and a financial plan where you reduce your expenses and put a chunk of money every month towards paying off your loans. Stick to the plan and you will be debt free by the end of the year!

These are a few of the most common New Year’s resolutions in North America. What is your resolution for the year ahead?

Creating a Holiday Savings Fund

Do you find that every January, you stare at your credit card bill and your bank balance in horror, shocked at how much money you spent in credit card billsDecember on presents, holiday treats, decorations, special outings and more?

The holidays can be a very expensive time of year, and many people tend to get carried away and sentence themselves to a January of barely scraping by.

However, if you plan ahead for next Christmas, you will be able to buy all of the presents you need without even batting an eye or seeing your bank balance dip even once.

How can you do this?

Create a Holiday Savings Fund

It’s quite simple. All you need to do is to open a new bank account the week after Christmas and set up an automatic transfer to pay a small amount from your paycheck into the account every week. The amount can be as small as $10 per week.

Now, $10 per week will seem like nothing to you and you won’t even miss it. After all, it’s less than $1.50 per day. It’s the equivalent of two cups of coffee and a muffin at Starbucks every week.

If you can buy things on sale when you go grocery shopping, you can easily shave $10 per week off your shopping budget without even noticing the difference. You will get so used to having $10 less to spend each week that you will forget it was even there in the first place.

It All Adds Up

However, if you stick to the plan and save $10 per week by next December you will have a fantastic surprise. You will look into your bank account and find $520 that you have saved up effortlessly over the last 52 weeks.

$520 is a big chunk of cash, and it will probably be enough to cover all of the Christmas presents for your family! The best thing is that you can splurge on your holiday treats without having to go into debt.

A Holiday Savings Fund is an easy strategy to save up for the holidays, and you will always have enough to make the season special!

Got More Month Than Money? A Few Clever Ways to Save Money This Christmas

If you are short on funds this holiday season, there is no reason why your festivities have to be any less merry!

You can still have a great Baby With Presenttime enjoying the season without having to spend a fortune.

Here are some tips that will help you save money this holiday season:

  • Instead of having to buy a gift for everyone in your office, group of friends, or social circle, why not organize a Secret Santa system instead. Put everyone’s name in a hat and then each draw out a name. You will only have to buy one gift instead of many, and everyone will get a gift in exchange!
  • Why spend money on expensive rolls of wrapping paper, when you can make your own? Presents look cute and colorful when they are wrapped in the Sunday Morning cartoons from your local newspaper. You could also get a cheap roll of brown craft paper and decorate it with stamps, markers, glitter and paint to make your own one-of-a-kind wrapping paper.
  • If you have more time than you have money, instead of buying presents for your friends you can give coupons for your services instead. For example, you could give them a voucher promising that you will clean their car, babysit their children, or help them shovel snow. If you have a special skill, such as playing the guitar or speaking Spanish, you could give out free lessons to friends you know who would like to learn. It won’t cost you anything but your time.
  • When buying gifts for your family, make sure that you comparison shop for the best price. For items such as books, if you can find them in a second hand bookstore or used online, you can sometimes get them for less than half price!
  • Instead of spending a fortune on movie tickets and overpriced popcorn to see the new holiday blockbuster in the cinema, set up your own home movie theatre with enough comfy chairs and pillows for the entire family. Put on a classic holiday favorite, make your own snacks, and enjoy a great evening for only the cost of a DVD rental and some popcorn kernels.

These are just a few ways that you can save money on your holiday celebrations and still enjoy this wonderful, festive time of year.

Three Tips for Becoming More Aware of Your Spending Habits

It’s not how much money you earn that will make you rich; rather it is your spending habits. How aware are you of what you spend on a daily money saving tipsbasis? Do you ever think you have a certain amount of money in your account and then realize that you have a lot less?

Noticing how much you spend can be the first step to learning how to manage your money better.

Here are three useful tips for becoming more aware of what you are spending:

Use Cash

There is something about credit cards and debits cards that make it much easier to spend more than you intend to, because you cannot actually see the money leaving your hands. Also, when you use a credit card the money doesn’t come out of your account until much later which makes it hard to gauge how much you have spent.

If you are going out shopping, try taking out as much cash as you will need at the beginning of your shopping trip. Handing over paper bills every time you make a purchase will make you much more aware of how much you are spending. When you open your wallet at the end of the day, you will able to physically see how much change is left over.

Track Your Purchases

Over a month, try saving every receipt from anything that you buy and place it in a plastic bag or an envelope. At the end of the month, total up all of the amounts and sort them into categories such as eating out, clothes, entertainment, household expenses, groceries, etc. You can use a spread sheet on the computer to organize them. Chances are that you will be shocked by the results.

You might have thought you were spending one amount on groceries, eating out, or drinking and then realize that you are spending a lot more!

Check Your Bank Balance Often

With almost every bank offering online banking services these days, you can check the status of your bank account with the click of a button. It is important to keep tabs on how much money you have in your account every day or two. This will help you avoid going into overdraft or having checks bounce, and it will also let you see with your own eyes how much you spend on a daily basis.

If your bank account starts to rapidly shrink before your eyes, it’s time to rethink your spending habits!

Becoming more aware of what you are spending will put you on the right track towards managing your money better.


Got Student Loans? Tips for Graduating Debt Free

Going to a university or college can be a great opportunity to obtain the education and qualifications you need to pursue the career of your dreams. However, many students find themselves under huge mountains of student debt after graduating, which will take years to pay back.

Taking out student loans to go to college is not always necessary, and with a little foresight, hard student loan debtwork, and ingenuity you can get through your degree without having debt cast a shadow over your life. Here are some tips for graduating debt free:

  • Don’t go to school right away. If you spend a year or two working full time and saving first, you will have a nest egg to support you while you study rather than taking out a loan for it. You will also have more time to gain life experience, think about what you want to study and choose the best program for you.
  • Use the summer time when you are not studying to make as much money as possible. Work a full time job and take on extra hours if you can. In the school year, work part time alongside your schooling.
  • Apply for as many scholarships as possible. There are many to choose from and they can reward huge amounts of money to students. Not all scholarships are entirely based on academics, so even if your grades are not perfect you can still apply.
  • If it is possible to live at home with your parents during your degree, this will save you a lot of money and really help you get through your education debt free. If not, try finding the cheapest apartment or on campus accommodation you can and sharing it with a roommate. It’s not the ideal living situation, but you can have your own apartment in a few years when you are working and can actually afford it!
  • Anytime you get an unexpected windfall, such as birthday money, or prize winnings don’t think of the money as extra but use it to pay for your education instead.
  • Buy only what you need, and buy it as cheaply as possible. When you are decorating your university dorm room, you don’t need brand new furniture when a used desk you found on Craigslist for $15 will work just as well. Buy only the essentials, and try to find them used rather than new so that you will spend less money.
  • Many of your friends will be flashing their designer clothes and brand new laptops, and going out on the town every weekend. It can be difficult to resist wanting to fit in, but it’s important to remember that these students are either being funded completely by their parents, or spending student loans foolishly that they will need to pay back. You might feel like you are missing out as a student, but you will be much richer later as a result.
  • Find free or cheap ways to entertain yourself, so that you don’t spend a lot of money on expensive recreational activities. Go for walks, make dinner and watch a movie at home with friends, or go out on 2 for 1 drinks night at your local bar. The fun part is hanging out with friends, not spending a lot.

These are just a few things that you can do which will help you graduate without a huge student debt.

Ka-Ching! Simple Tips for Trimming Down Your Grocery Bill

Do you gulp with fear every time you approach the checkout at the supermarket? saving money on grocery shopping

Do you end up spending a huge amount on grocery shopping every week, yet only coming home with a few bags of items?

It is possible to cut down your grocery bill drastically; you just need to know how to outsmart the supermarket and get more for your dollar.

Here are some clever tips for getting the most food for the lowest price next time you go grocery shopping:

  • The most important rule is: never go grocery shopping when you are hungry! Make sure you go after you have eaten, or your growling stomach will talk you into throwing many indulgent treats and snacks into the shopping cart that you just don’t need!
  • Don’t be loyal to brand names, because you pay extra for their familiarity. For example, although Heinz ketchup is the most well known, it is also usually the most expensive. The generic brand will probably taste just the same on your hot dogs and hamburgers and if it costs $1.50 less, why not give it a try?
  • Think about where you are shopping. Is it a high end chain supermarket with fancy displays, nice lighting, and beautiful interior design? These types of gourmet grocery stores often overcharge for the same items that can be found at a budget grocery chain for much cheaper!
  • Use coupons on the items that you regularly buy. You can find coupons on fliers in the store, and also at several websites online.
  • Don’t pay extra for convenience. Packaged foods such as microwave meals, prepared snacks, and other easy and quick dishes are usually much more expensive. Buy the ingredients and cook it yourself to save money.
  • Stock up on “loss leaders.” These are items that the supermarket is advertising at a ridiculously low price. They are very cheap because they attract customers in, who will likely spend more money on other more expensive items once they are in the store. If you can stick to only stocking up on the sale items and avoid being tempted by anything else you can really save a lot of money.

These are just a few easy ways that you can trim down your grocery bill and save money at the supermarket!

How Diverse Streams of Work Can Help You Keep Your Cash Flowing

Here is a different approach to financial security that you might not have thought of:

Imagine a full time job is like a large flowing river of income. With this one source, you have all of the financial flow that you could possibly need, and your expenses are covered in comfort. However, what about when something happens and the river ceases to flow? Your industry could experience a drought, or you could lose your job, causing the flow of that river of income to be dammed up forever.

Since you only relied on one source of income, now that it has dried up you are completely up the creek without a paddle. To start another river of that magnitude flowing will take time, and every day that no money flows in you are digging yourself deeper into debt.Living on a one-source income is great while the money is flowing, but it can be risky business because you never know what is coming around the river bend.

Establish Diverse Streams of Income

So how can you avoid the risk of relying completely on one income source? The solution is to restructure the way you make money, and divide your earning power into several diverse streams of income rather than just one. This could mean going freelance in your industry, working on several side projects, publishing something that generates royalties, or working two part time jobs rather than just one. Just like stock experts advise you to diversify your portfolio, diversifying your career is just as advantageous.

Let’s take the example of the freelancer. Although it might seem that their income is much less stable, because they are not in a conventional job, however their diversity is what keeps them afloat. Imagine that a freelancer is simultaneously working on 10 different small projects for 10 clients. If one of those 10 clients suddenly decides to pull the plug and let the freelancer go, they don`t panic. They will not even have to suffer financially because they still have 90% of their income to rely on while they search for a new client. A loss of income is only crippling if you only have one source to cover all of your needs.

When we bring it back to the river analogy, this strategy is like having several small streams, tributaries, creeks and brooks all flowing into one river. The volume of water is the same, but if one stream suddenly dries up the river will not stop flowing. The bonus advantage to this style of working is that you will be constantly invigorated by the diversity of your work, and you will be much less likely to become bored because you are engaged in such a variety of exciting projects.

Think about it, how can the concept of diverse streams of income help you?  What have you done to create stability in your income?