How to Get Great Customer Service Almost All the Time

I’m sure you’ve experienced excellent customer service before, and know how good it feels.Customer Service Wordle

Whether you called up to complain about a faulty product and hung up the phone smiling, or had a sales person help you find the perfect laptop for your needs at a great price, you know that good customer services makes you feel listened to and valued and solves your problems.

Great customer service is one of the cornerstones of success for every business but not all businesspeople are wired to deliver world-class customer service every single time.  That’s where your skills can come into play to improve your customer service experience.

Companies like Nordstrom and Zappos are world renowned for their incredible customer service.

Did you know that there are things that you can do to ensure that you get good customer service like this almost all of the time? There are ways that you can “help people help you” with your questions, quandaries and problems which will make them treat you better.

  • Be friendly and upbeat. Greet the person and smile. Even if you are upset about an issue, they will feel much better about helping you if you are not whining, complaining, or getting angry at them. See them as a person just like you and treat them with kindness.
  • Give them as much information as you can. For example, if you need to buy a cell phone you should tell the sales person exactly how much you will use it, which features you want, and what you will use it for. This will help them find you a product that is suited to your needs. If you need technical help with a product, explaining the problem clearly in detail will help them determine what is wrong.
  • Ask for what you want, politely and reasonably. Don’t push your luck by asking for something outrageous, but you will be surprised how many times you can negotiate a discount, waive a fee, or get a special discount just because you asked nicely.
  • Thank them for their time. It really helps to let the customer service representative know that you appreciate their efforts to assist you. If they do an exceptional job and you are really happy in the end, consider passing along an official compliment to their supervisor.
  • Become a regular. If you do all of these things in the same establishment frequently, the staff will get to know who you are and will likely treat you extra special because they value you as a customer.

Of course, this advice only works when the person you are dealing with is competent at customer service. Unfortunately this does not happen all the time. However, most of the time it will get you much better treatment, so why not give it a try?

It Is Easier to Spend Less Than Make More

No matter how much or how little you’re paid, you’ll never get ahead if you spend more than you earn.

This little piece of wisdom is incredibly common sense when you think about it, yet with so many Blue Pig BankAmericans in debt it’s clear that not everyone follows it in practice.

Living within your means is one of the best ways that you can save your money and set yourself up for financial freedom and prosperity.

Living within your means is very simple, it means that you are spending less money than you are making.

This allows you to put the extra money into a savings account so that you can have a back-up fund for emergencies, save for large purchases, or fund your dreams and passions such as travel or a hobby.

If you are spending more money than you are making, there are two solutions to this problem:

  1. Spend Less.
  2. Make More.

Depending on your situation, most people will find that making more money is the harder of the two options. Usually to make more money you will either have to get a raise at your current job, find a higher paying one, or take on a second job.

This requires a lot of extra work and it is not always possible. Also, making more money can be inefficient, because whatever extra you make will still be subjected to taxes and is worth a lot less when it finally ends up in your bank account.

By far, the easier option is to spend less. If you’re like most people, you already spend a lot of money on things that you just don’t need.

The thing about cutting down your expenses is that although you might notice the difference at first, you will soon get used to life without those added luxurious and not even notice that they are gone.

Meanwhile, your savings will continue to slowly build until you are in a wonderful position of financial security and freedom.


You’re an Idot! How to Argue Your Point Respectfully…

Every so often you will be on an internet forum, sitting around the dinner table, or at a cocktail party, and someone else will utter an observation or an opinion which will be so completely misguided and wrong that it will make you want to smash your head against the table and weep for the future of humanity.

You might be tempted to call them a ridiculous and ill-informed idiot, but wait! If you resort to name calling and personal attacks, you will be perceived as a complete jerk no matter if people are swayed by your counter argument or not. There is another way that you can express your disagreement while holding onto your dignity and respect.

Here are some tips for arguing fairly:

Discuss the Point and Not the Speaker

Although it might feel good in a childish way, calling your opponent names is not the way to engage in an intelligent debate. Separate what the person is saying from who is saying it, and discuss the point that they are making.

Don’t try to say something like, “Well, you would say that because you are ______” or “You don’t know anything about that because you are __________”.

Think about how frustrating it would be if someone tried to discredit the point you were making by making personal comments about you!

Acknowledge What They Get Right

Listen carefully to what your debate partner is saying, and don’t forget to acknowledge the parts which do have a bit of truth to them. They could have the right facts, but might be just interpreting them in a way which doesn’t make sense.

When you say things like, “I see what you are saying about X, and I agree. However, I don’t agree with the conclusion you are making,” it shows people that you are taking their argument seriously and listening to them.

State Your Opinion and Evidence

When it’s your turn to say your piece, state your opinion clearly and succinctly. Explain what it is that you think, and provide concrete examples which support what you are trying to say.

You can even site common criticisms of your position, and explain why you think they are irrelevant or why you disagree. Say what you want to say in a straight forward and confident manner, without attacking, accusing, or blaming.

In the end, the saying “You can’t change a stubborn mind” might apply to your opponent and they may leave the situation still holding their view. However, if you have expressed yourself confidently, clearly, and respectfully you can be proud of yourself for standing up for what you believe in.


How to Stay in Shape When You Work From Home

Whether you own your own business, work remotely, or freelance, working from home is fantastic. You don’t have to worry about morning traffic, you can work in your pajamas if you so desire, and you can create your own work environment.

However, one of the downsides of working at home is that it can make it harder to get motivated with a fitness regime. It’s easier to make yourself go to the gym on your way to and from the office, or ride your bike to work, but how can you stay fit when your only exercise is walking downstairs to your computer chair?

Staying fit and active is very important and will help you be more productive and successful in your work. Here are a few things you can do to stay in shape when you work from home:

  • When you first wake up in the morning, do 20-30 minutes of exercise before even turning on the computer. You can go for a jog or a walk, do some yoga, or dance around to your favorite music, whatever feels good. This will wake you up and make you more productive at work, and will also mean that you make sure you get your exercise done before getting caught up in your work.
  • Buy a few simple tools for working out at home, such as a yoga mat, barbells, jump rope, or kettle balls.
  • While you are sitting at your desk all day, take a break every hour and do five or ten minutes of physical activity, such as jumping jacks, pushups, squats, lunges, or sit ups. This will give you a burst of energy to keep you focused on your work, and will help you burn calories throughout the day.
  • Look for a group exercise session at your local community centre or gym, such as yoga, dance, martial arts, or aerobics. Working at home can be lonely, so these types of classes give you a chance to meet other people while also keeping in shape. When you make friends in the class who you look forward to seeing, you will be more likely to make the commitment to going every week.

Getting enough exercise can be a challenge when you work from home. With these tips you can turn exercise into part of your routine.

Things You Just Do Not Need to Spend Money On

Dog ToysAre you spending your money on things which are completely unnecessary? If you are looking to save money and help your finances go further in these tough economic times, examine your spending habits and see if there are any needless expenses you can cut from your budget.

Here are some examples of things that you really don’t need to spend money on:

Shampoo and Blowout at a Salon

Today I phoned up two nearby haircutting places. One of them was a trendy salon which said that they would charge $40 for a shampoo, haircut, and blow dry. The other was a budget haircutting place would said that they would charge $15 for a wet down and a cut.

Think about it. The fancy salon wants to charge you $25 for washing your hair, something that you do every morning in the shower for free.

As long as you are getting a basic trim and not getting your hair done for a wedding or a special occasion, why pay over twice as much when you can wash your own hair before you get there?

Dog Toys

Your dog loves to have something to chew on, but he doesn’t know the difference if it is a cute little squeaky hamburger from that high end pet shop or a grimy old tennis ball from the garage.

In fact, the grimy old tennis ball probably has more flavors. Besides, he is going to destroy it within a few days anyway. Don’t waste your money on expensive dog toys that just don’t last, and make your own instead out of old socks, jeans, and rope. Look online for easy instructions.

Bottled Water

Do you buy a bottle of water at the store every time you are thirsty?

Not only is this excessive use of plastic not good for the environment, you are also needlessly wasting your money. Instead, buy a sturdy portable water bottle and bring it with you wherever you go in your bag or in your car.

Fill it up with fresh and cold water from your faucet or refrigerator every morning. Even if your tap water isn’t very good, you can buy a water filter for less than you will spend on bottled water in a week.

Stop spending money on these things you just don’t need, and you will have more left over for the things that you really do need.

Clever Ways to Save Money on Hotel Rooms

Hotel DubaiDo you love to travel but hate paying full price for a hotel room? If you do a lot of traveling, the costs of staying in hotels can really add up after a while. However, there are some ways that you can get the same hotel room for a lot less money.

You just have to know a few clever money saving tricks.

Ask Friends and Family

If your sister, cousin, poker buddy or anyone else you know works in the hotel industry, ask them nicely if they can get you a sweet deal. Most hotel employees will be able to use “friends and family” discounts which will be much cheaper than the regular rate.

If someone you know works in the hotel industry, buy them a cup of coffee and ask them nicely to get you a good rate. It never hurts to ask!

Use Your Connections

Many hotel chains offer discounts for organizations and affiliations, so if you belong to an organization within your profession it is worth giving this a try. If you are a member of the AAA, you will usually be able to get a 10% discount.

Book at the Right Time

When you book your hotel room can make a huge difference in how much it costs. If you are traveling to a popular resort destination, it will be busy on the weekends and slower on Sunday and Monday and throughout the week.

If you are able to keep your travel dates flexible and visit during the week, you could save anywhere from 15%-40% off your rate. If you are visiting a more business-oriented hotel it will be opposite, the hottest days will be mid-week and the weekends will be cheaper.


Don’t be afraid to phone up the hotel and ask for a cheaper rate. Sometimes all it takes is the simple but firm question, “I was hoping to pay less than that; is that the best price you can offer me?” Most of the time if you are persistent you can negotiate yourself a good discount.

These are just a few ways that you can save money the next time you stay in a hotel on your travels.

How to Get Your Partner to Help Out More

Taking care of all the chores around the house can be a full time job, especially when you have children. Cooking, cleaning, buying groceries, and taking care of the household can get quite overwhelming, especially if you are saddled with most of the burden.

If you feel that you are struggling to get everything done on your own and you need a bit more help from your partner, it’s important to ask them in the right way. Nagging or guilt tripping can only create negative feelings and make both parties feel bad.

You want to speak to your husband or wife in a way that encourages them to help you share the responsibilities and work together as a family.

Just Ask For Help

If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Sometimes all you need to do is ask politely for the help you need. All you have to say is, “Honey, can you please help me wash these dishes?” and you might be surprised how often your partner says, “Sure.”

Don’t Be Resentful

If you never ask for help, yet mumble angrily under your breath every time you sweep the kitchen floor or wipe the sink, you’re not being fair to your partner. If you don’t ask them to help you with something, they cannot know what you want. It’s not fair to stew up this anger and be upset, just ask for the help that you need.

Do it as You Go Along

Encourage everyone in your household to clean up after themselves and perform little tasks which will help you in the long run. For example, teach your kids to put their dirty dishes in the dishwasher when they are finished rather than leaving them in their rooms or on the table, so that all you have to do is press the button.

Say Thank You

When your partner helps you, give them a sincere thank you. Let them know that you appreciate them, and ask them if there is anything that you can help them with.

When everyone works together, the household can run more smoothly and harmoniously.

How to Start a Conversation with a Stranger

Have you ever seen someone who looks attractive, nice or interesting and thought you would love to have a chat with them? Perhaps you would like to get to know them more, or you think that they would be fun to talk to?

Unfortunately, in our society it is deemed “weird and creepy” to start talking to random strangers, and most people don’t strike up a conversation with others in public places for fear of rejection or being invasive.

Here are some ways that you can start a conversation with a stranger at a party, on a bus, or in any public space without making the situation uncomfortable:

Ask them for Help

A great way to break the ice is to ask the person for help with a problem. For example, you could ask them to give you directions or recommend a restaurant or cafe in the area.

If you are at an event, you could ask them if they know when a certain lecture or concert is supposed to start.  

If you are in an internet cafe, you could ask them, “Is your internet working? My connection is a little slow…” It’s a great way to break the tension without being creepy, because you are asking for their help which is a more acceptable conversation between strangers.

Be Natural

Don’t come in with scripted material, pickup lines or pre-rehearsed jokes. The other person will be able to tell that your speech is not natural and it will come across as fake and strange.

It’s not important what you say, as long as you say it naturally and from the heart, in the moment. Don’t forget to smile!

It’s all About Them

When you are chatting with someone you don’t know, try to focus on them rather than yourself. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, so asking them questions will encourage them to open up to you. Also, you will be out of the spotlight so you are not forced to put on a show.

Gauge Their Reaction

When you use one of these conversation starting techniques, make sure that you are paying attention to the way the other person reacts. If they enthusiastically begin chatting back to you, you can feel comfortable carrying on the conversation.

If they look away, concentrate on something else, or respond with short one or two word answers, get the hint that they are not interested in talking to you. Don’t take it personally; perhaps they are just not in a good mood. Say something like “Nice chatting with you, have a good day,” and move along.

Although your mother might have told you not to talk to strangers, sometimes some of the best interactions can come from words exchanged with people you don’t know as you connect on a common bond or shared observation. You might even form a relationship or a lifelong friendship!

How to Defeat a Chaotic Laundry Pile

Laundry PileHave you forgotten what the floor of your bedroom looks like because it is constantly under a carpet of discarded clothing? Do you let your laundry pile up until sorting, washing and folding it becomes a full day job? Here are a few tips to tame your laundry chaos and make cleaning your clothes much easier:

  • Get into a laundry routine. As a general rule, the number of people living in your house equals the number of times per week you will need to do laundry. If you live on your own you can get away with doing a wash every week, but if there are three or four people you will have to do laundry almost every other day. The longer you leave it, the harder to handle it becomes.
  • Use small and study laundry baskets in each bedroom, and encourage your kids and your partner to put their dirty clothes directly into them rather than on the floor.
  • A larger washer and dryer will allow you to wash more clothes at once which makes doing laundry more efficient and can save you time.
  • If you teenager is in the habit of wearing a pair of jeans for two hours and then throwing them in the laundry hamper, teach them to wear their clothes a few times until they are actually dirty before washing them. Unless they are stained or the wearer is sweating heavily, clothing can be worn 2-4 times before needing to be washed.
  • By the age of 12, you can start teaching your kids to do their own laundry.
  • Cut down your wardrobe to only the essentials. If you have fewer clothes, you will have less washing to do. Don’t have more clothes that you can fit into your closet!
  • Keep some hangers in your laundry room so that you can hang up clothes that you don’t fold immediately before they get creased.

Here’s a quick video with some additional tips:

These are a few ways that you can make the chore of doing laundry more manageable and spend more time on having fun!

How to Deal With Coworkers Who Drive You Crazy

Every office has at least one; the person who makes you want to curl up under your desk and cry, or beat them senseless with a stapler.

You can’t choose your co-workers, and sometimes it can be incredibly frustrating to work in an environment with someone like this. When they don’t deliver work when promised, refuse to collaborate, and fail to listen to feedback they make your job difficult and increase the stress level for everyone else.

So what can you do with that co-worker who drives you crazy? Here are a few strategies who dealing with these difficult workmates:

  • Keep your cool. Although you might want to send them an email jam-packed with obscenities on a particularly stressful morning, use self restraint. Losing your temper and lashing out at the person will not help the situation at all. You will have more power in this situation if you deal with it in a calm and controlled manner.
  • Consider their intentions. Perhaps this person is not being rude or difficult or purpose, they might just not realize the impact their actions are having on others. Or they might be acting up for a completely different reason. Try to get to know them and find out the motivations behind the way that they are acting.
  • Consult others about the problem. Have a confidential conversation with another co-worker that you trust. Ask them for support and advice on how you should deal with the situation. They might also have their own experiences with the person that they could share with you.
  • Approach the person first. No one likes being “tattled on” to a higher authority, so running to the boss when someone does something that upsets you should not be your first solution. Speak with your colleague in a calm and respectful manner, and tell them exactly what they have done and why you don’t appreciate it. If they are reasonable, or if they didn’t mean any harm, they will apologize and try to resolve the situation.
  • However, if you have approached them in this way and they have responded rudely, ignored you, or refused to stop, it’s time to get the boss involved. Provide documented evidence and clear examples to your boss of your co-worker’s inappropriate behavior, and ask them for help.

Although you and your co-worker might not become best friends, hopefully you can find a way to work together in harmony.