An Often-Overlooked Trick Can Help You Afford A Second House

An Often-Overlooked Trick Can Help You Afford A Second HouseThe whole idea of investing is to use a portion of your money now to get more down the road. It is important for everyone to diversify their investments, and you might be thinking about buying a second house to do so. Investing in real estate is a goal that a lot of people have, but how can you get started? It was challenging enough to buy your first house, so how can you afford a second one? 

Use A Cash-Out Refinance To Buy Your Second House

One trick that many people overlook is that they can actually conduct a cash-out refinance to purchase a second house. In general, your lender will allow you to cash out up to 80 percent of the value of your home during a cash-out refinance. This can give you a tremendous amount of flexibility that you can use to purchase a second house. For example, if your house is worth $300,000, you may be able to withdraw tens of thousands of dollars in equity.

What To Consider When Using A Cash-Out Refinance

When you apply for a cash-out refinance, there is a chance that the interest rate on your new loan might change. This might mean that you end up with a higher interest rate than before. You must make sure you can afford this new interest rate. Furthermore, you will be required to pay closing expenses. You need to have enough money set aside to cover those closing expenses. Keep in mind that the term of the loan might change as well. If you were close to paying off your house, this type of refinance might reset that clock. It might take you longer to pay off your mortgage than it did before. Consider these factors carefully before conducting a cash-out refinance.

A Cash-Out Refinance Might Be Right For You

In the end, a cash-out refinance could be a great way for you to withdraw equity from your home, using it to purchase an investment property. On the other hand, you need to ensure you can still afford the new loan after you take that equity out of your home. Work with an expert who can help you find the right option to meet your needs.


How Can A Cash-Out Refinance Help You?

How Can A Cash-Out Refinance Help You?If you have been in your home for a while, you might be able to refinance. If your credit score has increased, your income has gone up, or the average home loan interest rate has gone down, you might be able to conduct a cash-out refinance. During this process, you can keep your mortgage payments the same, secure a lower interest rate, and withdraw the difference as cash. What can you do with this extra cash? 

You Can Make Improvements To Your Home

One of the most popular ways people use a cash-out refinance is to increase the value of their homes. For example, you may want to use the money from a refinance to upgrade the kitchen. Or, you might want to use a cash-out refinance to add an addition to your home. You can also use the proceeds from a refinance to handle expensive home repairs. If you want to increase the value of your home, you can tap into the equity in your home through a cash-out refinance.

You Can Pay Off Student Loans

Another popular way to use a cash-out refinance is to pay off existing debt. For example, you can use the cash from this refinance to pay off a car loan, credit card debt, or student loans. Some people have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, and it can take decades to pay them off. If your mortgage has a lower interest rate than your student loans, you may want to use a cash-out refinance to pay off your student loans. 

You Can Pay Expensive Medical Bills

Finally, you can also use a cash-out refinance to cover emergency expenses. If you have expensive medical bills, you might want to use a cash-out refinance to cover these costs. A cash-out refinance can help you in a pinch. 

Consider A Cash-Out Refinance For Your Home

These are just a few of the many ways you might be able to use a cash-out refinance to help you. If you are interested in refinancing your home loan, you should work with a professional who can point you in the right direction. You can secure the best terms possible, withdraw the maximum amount of cash, and ensure you still pay off your mortgage on time.