The Do’s And Dont’s Of Making Your Offer More Competitive

The Do's And Dont's Of Making Your Offer More CompetitiveToday, the housing market is more competitive than it has ever been in the past. You may have your eyes on your dream home, but how can you make it stand out from the crowd? There are a few tips that you should keep in mind. What are a few things you should do, and what are a few things you should avoid?

Do Get A Pre-Approval Letter

Because the housing market is so competitive, the seller is probably going to have many offers. The seller wants to make sure that the buyer they choose already has financing lined up. That way, they do not have to worry about the offer falling through. You can prove to the seller that you are making a competitive offer by getting a pre-approval letter. This letter will guarantee that your offer will be accepted, but a lack of a pre-approval letter can get your offer thrown out immediately.

Do Not Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

While you might have your heart set on a single home, do not put all of your eggs in one basket. Even if you do everything right, there is a chance that your offer will not be selected. Therefore, do not forget to take a look at other houses in the area, and be ready to put in an offer on another house if your first offer is rejected.

Do Offer To Rent Back

Keep in mind that it can take some time for someone to find a new home, so your offer could be more competitive if you allow the homeowners to rent back after they sell you the house. Essentially, this will give them an opportunity to stay in the house, even after you have purchased it, until they can find a new place to live. 

Make Your Offer As Competitive As Possible

These are just a few of the most important tips you need to follow if you are interested in purchasing your dream home. You need to do everything you can to make your offer stand out from the crowd, and that means you need to partner with a professional who can help you find the right house to meet your needs. 


Manage These 3 Items Before Applying For A Mortgage

Manage These 3 Items Before Applying For A MortgageMortgage lenders weigh the risk of getting their principal and interest paid back by looking at the qualities of the prospective borrrower. And due to the amount of money being requested and lent to purchase homes, those requirements can become daunting.  Working with a trusted and qualified mortgage professional makes this sometimes confusing process a little clearer.

To this end, there are three things that a potential homebuyer can do to prepare for the mortgage approval process.

Manage Debt And Credit Levels

For many homebuyers, managing their credit score is the biggest challenge. Mortgage lenders like buyers with strong credit. While getting strong credit usually isn’t something that can be done overnight, paying bills on time, all of the time can help to build a positive profile.

Using as little credit as possible is also helpful, since high utilization of existing credit lines can harm a borrower’s score. Having less debt can also reduce monthly payments, making it easier to qualify for a larger mortgage.

Manage Income And Qualifying Ratios

Lenders look for two things when it comes to a borrower’s income:

  1. Stable incomes are preferred, so being able to prove the income with a W-2 form or other documentation is usually required. Self-employed people will typically need to prove their income with their tax returns, so taking high write-offs can make it harder to qualify.
  2. A borrower’s income should be significantly higher than his total monthly debt payments. Lenders divide a borrower’s monthly payments — including their proposed mortgage — into the gross monthly income. If the payments exceed a set percentage, the lender will shrink the mortgage until it considers the payment affordable.

Collect Required Paperwork Early

To qualify for a mortgage, borrowers typically need to submit a comprehensive file of supporting documentation. This can include tax returns, pay stubs and bank and investment account statements.

Since lenders frequently want some historical data, it can be a good idea for people considering applying for a mortgage to start collecting documentation before they actually begin the mortgage application process. Once again, working with a qualified finance professional will make this process a lot more comfortable.

Short-Term Vacation Rentals: What To Know

Short-Term Vacation Rentals: What To KnowIf you are interested in purchasing a rental property, you might want a short-term rental that you can use as a vacation home. This can be a great way to generate some additional income, and you might be able to make thousands of dollars every week if you purchase a property in the right location. On the other hand, there are several important factors you need to consider before you purchase a rental property. 

The Marketing Process

You are only going to make money on your rental property if you can convince people to stay there. Why would someone decide to stay at your rental property instead of a traditional hotel? You must be willing to put in the time and effort to develop a enticing marketing strategy that includes some beautiful photos and videos that will highlight the benefits of your rental property.

The Pricing

Of course, you want to make as much money as possible if you have a rental property, but keep in mind that you don’t want to price the property so high that you end up scaring people away. You might even want to change the price of your rental property depending on the length of their stay, time of year, or special events that might be happening in the local area. You will also want to take a closer look at the competition to see how much they are charging.

Protect Yourself And Your Property

You need to take steps to protect yourself and your property. It can be difficult to predict how your guests are going to treat your space, and you don’t want to rent to guess who could damage your property. Keep in mind that you could also be held responsible if someone is injured while renting your house. That is why you should consider purchasing additional liability protection.

Find The Right Rental Property

There are many advantages you may enjoy if you decide to purchase a short-term vacation home, but you need to make sure you are willing to put in the time and effort to make it profitable. You will want to work with a professional who can help you find the best option in the area. 

What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Putting 20 Percent Down On A Home Purchase?

Should You Put 20 Percent Down On Your Home Purchase?Several generations ago, lenders required home buyers to have a 20 percent down payment in order to get a mortgage. While there were a few options out there for people who couldn’t save this substantial amount, the reality was that for the majority of people, the 20 percent down was a requirement.

It was the way to show that you were financially responsible enough for homeownership. And it was a strong way that the banks felt secure in making a home loan.

Today, however, homebuyers have many options available to them as they shop for a new home, and those mortgage options mean that the 20 percent down payment is no longer as much of a requirement. For most buyers, especially those who do not have the equity of an existing home to help with their purchase, the 20 percent down payment is not even a possibility.

Yet for those who can do so, putting 20 percent down carries some benefits worth considering. Here is a closer look at when the large down payment makes sense, and what the potential drawbacks are that buyers should consider.

How The 20 Percent Down Payment Helps

When it is possible for the buyer to save enough, the 20 percent down payment does have some benefits that are worth considering. First, when you are able to save 20 percent, you can get a mortgage that has no private mortgage insurance or similar fees. Because lenders consider a borrower with less than 20 percent for the down payment to be higher risk, they charge additional fees to serve as insurance on these loans.

Putting 20 percent down also means you are borrowing less. Because every dollar you borrow will be charged interest, the less you borrow the lower your repayment costs should be over the life of the loan. If you have the ability to save 20 percent, this is a benefit worth considering.

The Drawbacks Of 20 Percent Down

While saving 20 percent does have some benefits, it also has drawbacks that you must also consider. First, 20 percent of a home loan is a significant amount of money. On a modestly priced $100,000 house, that means you have to save $20,000. For the average home buyer, this represents years of saving. And you could be giving up years of price appreciation on the home that you could have purchased earlier by using one of the other financing options.

Also, if you are putting all of that money down as your down payment, you may find yourself cash strapped for other home buying costs, like new furniture or closing costs on your mortgage. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warns that this can be a significant downside, especially for first-time buyers who have a lot of expenses as they make the move into their first homes.

Many people find themselves digging into their other investments, like their 401(k), to come up with the money for the down payment. When mortgage interest rates are low, this can be an unwise move. Paying a bit more in interest over the life of a mortgage is often better than creating a serious financial bind for your future needs. Digging into your retirement also means you are not getting that vital compounding interest.

Finally, saving 20 percent often means you can’t buy a home quite as quickly. Since home prices historically tend to rise, not fall, the longer you wait, the more you may spend on your home. If home prices rise by 5 percent a year, which is fairly standard, waiting two years to purchase the home means $10,000 in extra costs for a $100,000 home. The higher purchase price counters any savings you may have when you put down 20 percent.

Can You Buy With Less Than 20 Percent Down?

So can you buy a home with less than 20 percent down? The answer to that question is yes, and often it makes more financial sense to do so. In fact, according to Freddie Mac, 40 percent of homebuyers in today’s markets are making down payments of less than 10 percent. So if you are going to buy a home without saving the 20 percent, what are your options?

If you have strong credit, many lenders are still offering piggyback loans. These loans allow you to take out a smaller loan for part of your down payment, then a traditional loan for the rest of the purchase price. You may still need about 5 percent of your own money to put down on the purchase. Then you can work with your lender to borrow 15 percent with a smaller, and many times shorter-term loan, and the remainder with a conventional mortgage.

Down payment assistance is another option to consider. These programs, which are available through non-profit organizations or government-run programs, give homeowners a hand in coming up with the down payment they need to purchase the home.

Finally, consider the low down payment options that are out there. USDA loans, VA loans, FHA loans and similar loan products are designed for those with just a little bit to put down on the home. The FHA loan, for example, is a government-backed loan that requires just 3.5 percent down on the home.

Forbes indicates it is even possible to get a conventional loan with as little as 3 percent down. In some instances, like the USDA home loan program, you can even buy a home with no down payment.

While these home loans do have additional costs, like the funding fee for the VA loan or private mortgage insurance for conventional low down payment loans, they give you the ability to buy now without 20 percent down so you can start enjoying the benefits of homeownership sooner.

When buying a home, getting sound financial advice is always wise. Whether you choose to put down a large amount on your home or take advantage of these different loan options to buy with a smaller amount down, make sure you weigh your options before making your choice.

The Top Benefits Of A Single Close Construction Loan

The Top Benefits Of A Single Close Construction LoanIf you are thinking about building your own home, you might be wondering how construction loans work. There are plenty of options available, but one of the most popular choices is a single-close construction loan. This type of loan allows you to close on not only the construction expenses but also your financing costs at the same time. Essentially, a single-close construction loan will convert into your mortgage after the construction on your home is finished. What are some of the top benefits of this type of loan?

Save Time

One of the first benefits of a single-close construction loan is that you can save a significant amount of time. If you need to get a separate loan for the construction and financing processes, you will have to submit all of your required documents twice. Then, you will need to wait for the lender to review them both times. You can avoid this process if you combine the loans together in a single-close construction loan.

Save Money

Of course, you could also save a significant amount of money by going with a single-close construction loan. Keep in mind that each loan is going to have some origination and closing expenses. If you have to go through the process twice, you will have to pay these expenses twice. With a single-close construction loan, you only have to pay potential origination and closing expenses once, which can help you save money.

Fix Your Interest Rate

What happens if the average interest rate goes up during the construction of your house? This means that your mortgage may have a higher interest rate, and it could make your house unaffordable. You can avoid this risk by getting a single-close construction loan with a fixed interest rate. Then, if the interest rate drops down the road, you may be able to refinance. 

Consider A Single Close Construction Loan

In the end, these are just a few of the top benefits of a single-close construction loan. While these loans are not necessarily for everyone, they could be right for you. Do not hesitate to reach out to an expert who can help you figure out if a single-close construction loan is right for your needs.

Moving From An Apartment To A House? Here’s What You Need To Remember About Your Lease

Moving From An Apartment To A HouseThe major problem that the vast majority of buyers will run into – especially when purchasing their first home – has to do with a lease agreement that is still active with their apartment complex at the time of the purchase. If you locate the perfect home in February but your lease isn’t over until August, you can’t be expected to wait around.

But at the same time, the remainder of that lease agreement could represent thousands of dollars that you’ll be paying to essentially “live” in two different places at the same time.

Luckily, all hope is not lost. There are a variety of steps that you can take to help mitigate your remaining financial risk at your apartment as much as possible.

Breaking Your Lease Early: What You Need to Know

First, look at your existing lease agreement and make sure you understand their early termination policy. This will outline the various acceptable ways, usually dictated in large part by state and other local laws, that you can break a lease early without being forced to pay through the duration of the agreement itself.

Much of this will vary based not only on the state, but also the property manager in question. Your property manager may very well allow for early termination for home buyers – particularly if they’re in an area where they know they can rent the apartment quickly.

This is not always the case, though, which is why you need to begin by reviewing the situation thoroughly so you know what you’re dealing with.

Next, you should review what state laws have to say about your landlord’s duty to find a new tenant in the area of the country that you’re living in. In some states, for example, your landlord MUST make “reasonable efforts” to re-rent your unit as quickly as possible, regardless of the reason you’ve decided to leave.

Many state housing laws require landlords to make every effort to keep their own losses at a minimum – meaning that you may not have to pay much, if anything at all, to break your lease early provided that you give said landlord enough notice. 

Why Conversations Matter

Finally, you’ll want to sit down with your landlord face-to-face (if you haven’t already done so) and explain to them exactly what is going on. Landlords are people too and oftentimes they can be more sympathetic than you think.

According to an authority on the matter, the “worst case scenario” for most renters-turned-buyers breaking a lease agreement is often that they’ll need to pay an early termination fee to break their agreement early. This can be as little as one month’s rent to “a few month’s rent” depending on the situation.

At the very least, this is better than being forced to pay every month for the remainder of your term.

In the end, it’s important for you to understand that you should not let anything get in the way of buying the home you’ve always wanted – even if you’re currently living in an apartment with an active lease agreement.

You just need to know as much about the specifics of that agreement as possible so that you can move into your new home while mitigating as much risk as possible for both yourself and your landlord at the same time.

It’s wise to consult with your trusted home financing professional about the implications of your specific situation.

The Top Reasons To Stop Renting And Buy Today

The Top Reasons To Stop Renting And Buy TodayBuying a house can be expensive, and it can take a long time to save up money for a down payment; however, it might be time for you to stop renting and buy your own place. What are some of the top reasons why it might be time to put down some roots?

Your Rent Is Going Up

The reality is that your rent will go up with time. Every time you renew your lease, it can be frustrating to see that rent check continue to increase. If you are tired of your rent going up, get a mortgage. You could lock in the same payment for 30 years.

You Are Going To Stay Put For A While

Are you planning on staying put for a while? If so, you don’t have to worry about buying a selling a house too quickly. Go ahead and purchase a house! You are going to be here for a while anyway, so you might as well get a stable mortgage.

You Don’t Want To Pay Someone Else’s Mortgage

Did you know that you might be paying someone else’s mortgage with your rent check? Why not use that money to pay off your own mortgage? After all, there’s no reason why you should feel obligated to use your money to pay down someone else’s home loan.

You Want To Build Wealth

If you want to build wealth for yourself and your family, one of the best ways to do so is to own property. Your property should go up in value over time, and 100 percent of the capital appreciation is yours because the value of your loan will remain the same, regardless of the capital appreciation of your house. If you want to build wealth, owning property is one of the best ways to do so.

Stop Renting And Buy Today

Clearly, there are plenty of reasons why you might want to stop renting and consider buying a house. You need to work with an expert who can help you find the right loan option to meet your needs. There are attractive opportunities out there, so if you are ready to build financial wealth, consider buying a house today.

What Items Can Change My Mortgage Pre-Approval Status?

What is a mortgage pre-approvalWhen you are purchasing a home, your lender may recommend you obtain a mortgage pre-approval before you find the home of your dreams. There are some benefits to being pre-approved before you find a home, but oftentimes, people confuse pre-qualifications with pre-approvals.

So the question many buyers have is what exactly is a mortgage pre-approval? In a nutshell, it’s when the lender provides you (the buyer) with a letter stating that your mortgage will be granted up to a specific dollar amount.

What Do I Need For Pre-Approval?

In order to obtain a pre-approval for your home purchase, you will have to provide your lender all of the same information you would need to show for qualifying for a mortgage. This means providing tax returns, bank statements and other documents that prove your net worth, how much you have saved for your down payment and your current obligations.

What Conditions Are Attached to a Pre-Approval?

Generally speaking, a pre-approval does have some caveats attached to it. Typically, you can expect to see some of the following clauses in a pre-approval letter:

  • Interest rate changes – a pre-approval is done based on current interest rates. When rates increase, your borrowing power may decrease
  • Property passes valuation and inspection – your lender will require the property you ultimately purchase to come in with a proper appraisal and meet all inspection requirements
  • Credit check requirements – regardless of whether it’s been a week or six months since you were pre-approved, your lender will require a new credit report. Changes in your credit report could negate the pre-approval
  • Changes in jobs/assets – after a pre-approval is received, a change in your employment status or any substantial assets may result in the pre-approval becoming worthless

What Items Can Change My Mortgage Pre-Approval Status?

One of the major issues that affect some borrowers as they are preparing to purchase their new home is financing large ticket items before the home purchase loan is completely funded.  Even if you are buying new furniture or other items for the home, it’s best to wait until after your home loan is entirely complete before purchasing any of these new items.

Work changes can also drasitically affect your pre-approval status.  Make sure your loan professional is well aware of any changes well in advance of them happening in order to plan effectively.  There are ways to work with job changes but it is a delicate matter during the mortgage underwriting process.

Getting pre-approved for a home mortgage may allow you more negotiation power with sellers and may help streamline the entire loan process. It is however important to keep in mind there are still things that may have a negative impact on actually getting the loan.

It is important to make sure you keep in contact with the lender, especially if interest rates increase or your employment status changes after you are pre-approved.

The Job Of A Mortgage Loan Originator

The Job Of A Mortgage Loan OriginatorDo you want to purchase a house? If you cannot pay cash for your house, you will need to apply for a mortgage. A mortgage loan originator can help you find the right mortgage to meet your needs. What are some of the job duties of a mortgage loan originator, and how can they help you with the financing process?

Provide You With a Budget

The house-hunting process can be exciting, but it can also be a bit stressful. How do you know if you can afford your dream house? This is one of the first jobs of a mortgage loan originator. A mortgage loan originator can help you review your financial statements and provide you with a limit against which you can borrow. Now that you know exactly how much money you can take out in the form of a mortgage, you will have an easier time narrowing down your options.

Go Through The Loan Options With You

A mortgage loan originator could also help you review your loan options with you. For example, do you think a fixed-rate mortgage is better for you? Or, do you think an adjustable-rate mortgage is better for you? There are even some home buyers who might be interested in a loan that comes with a balloon payment on the back end. A mortgage loan originator can help you evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Ensure All Rules And Regulations Are Followed

Finally, one of the most important jobs of a mortgage loan originator is to ensure that all rules and regulations are followed. There are strict documentation regulations that all lenders need to follow to ensure their applicants are financially healthy enough to qualify for a mortgage. A mortgage loan originator will make sure that you do not take out a loan that you cannot afford. 

Work With A Mortgage Loan Originator To Find The Right Loan

If you need to take out a mortgage for your house, you need to work with a mortgage loan originator. Keep in mind that this loan originator is there to answer your questions, so make sure you have a comprehensive understanding of the process before you move forward. That way, you can find the right loan package to meet your needs. 


Why You Receive So Much Junk Mail After Closing On Your Home

Why You Receive So Much Junk Mail After Closing On Your HomeCongratulations! You have finally closed on your home loan, and you are excited to get moved in. Or, you may have just refinanced your home, and you are excited to enjoy it. Regardless, all of a sudden, you start to get a bunch of junk mail in your mailbox. It can be frustrating to sort through everything, and how did they get your information in the first place? 

Where Junk Mailers Get Your Personal Information

First, there are a few locations where junk mailers may have gotten your personal information. Once your property deed is recorded, it goes into the public record. Anyone who goes into the public record can find your name, the name of your lender, your loan amount, and your address. This is what they use to send you junk mail, and it is why you get flooded with a bunch of mail as soon as you close on a home loan.

Always Check Your Mail Before Shredding It

Even though you are going to receive a lot of junk, some of it is going to have your personal information listed on it. You should always check to see if your personal information is on the mail, and if it is, go ahead and shred it. On the other hand, you must make sure you do not throw out anything important. For example, there might be a note about property taxes, or there might be information related to changes in your loan. Always screen your mail before you shred it.

Can You Stop The Junk Mail?

It is unlikely that you will be able to stop the junk mail completely. On the other hand, there are a few locations where you might be able to opt out of some of this junk mail. If you put yourself on the do not mail registry, you may be able to reduce the amount of junk mail you receive.

Talk To A Professional To Learn More

You need to understand exactly what is happening with your home loan before you close, and that is why you should reach out to an expert who can help you. They might even be able to provide you with some advice regarding how you can stop the junk mail from coming in.