Getting A Home Mortgage Through Virtual Lending

Getting A Home Mortgage Through Virtual LendingThere are many people who are looking to buy a home during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, given the public health crisis that the pandemic has created, some potential homeowners are finding it difficult to go about buying a home in the traditional manner. As a result, banks and credit unions have woken up to a major shift in society as they have had to catch up to the digital age.

Right now, there are record numbers of people who are looking to buy a new home or refinance due to the massive rate cuts that the government has instituted in an effort to jump-start the economy. At the same time, without virtual lending options, banks and credit unions might miss out. This has led to a growth in virtual lending choices.

Lending Is Going Virtual

One of the major shifts that has taken place is that many homeowners and potential homeowners are taking advantage of virtual lending options. Some of the major benefits of this virtual lending process include instant pre-approvals, constant access to status updates, and even the ability to upload and sign documents in a virtual manner.

When potential homeowners are able to use the virtual world to compare offers on mortgages, this also allows them to find the best deals possible. In this manner, community banks and credit unions are all embarking on a new journey in the virtual world. There are a few points that potential homeowners should note.

Customers Are Making An Adjustment As Well

It is important to note that many customers are making an adjustment in the manner in which they pursue loans. Remember that many of the people who are going to be helping potential homeowners navigate the mortgage approval process are working virtually as well. Therefore, it is critical for customers to take steps to protect their data. When banks and credit unions place the safety and security of their potential borrowers first, this is going to lead to higher customer satisfaction rates.

The growing preference for this online approval process should let all lenders know that the virtual lending process is here to stay. It is quickly becoming the preference of potential homeowners and those looking to refinance.

Taking A Closer Look At Home Improvement In 2020

Taking A Closer Look At Home Improvement In 2020When it comes to home improvement in 2020, many people are spending more time in their homes than they ever have in the past. With kids attending school from home and people working from home, many homeowners are looking at ways to potentially improve the qualities of their homes through home improvement projects.

With fall right around the corner, it is a great idea to take a closer look at some projects that can help homeowners stay safe while also saving money this winter.

Do Not Neglect The HVAC System

One of the most important points that all homeowners need to keep in mind involves the HVAC system. The HVAC system is one of the most important systems in the home, particularly during the winter when it will supply heat. If the heater hasn’t been turned on in a while, then it needs to be inspected. Routine maintenance will not only extend the longevity of the HVAC unit but will also help it run more efficiently. This could help homeowners save a lot of money on their utility bills.

Think About The Insulation In The Home

Homeowners who are looking for ways to reduce their utility bills should also think about the insulation in their homes. There are a few common locations in which heat might leave the home, driving up utility bills. This commonly includes the windows and doors. Therefore, homeowners should think about re-sealing their windows or doors in an effort to keep heat from leaving through these portals. This can reduce the stress on the HVAC system and save people money.

The Roof Is A Common Problem

Finally, homeowners should also think about their roofs as well. During the fall, it is common for leaves to land on the roof and start to clog the gutters. This can cause liquid to back up into the gutters and damage the roof. With this in mind, homeowners need to think carefully about the roof and make sure that this is included in a home improvement project. Roof leaks can lead to major repair bills quickly and addressing this problem early can save money.

These are a few of the top home improvement projects that all homeowners should consider in 2020.

How To Find The Right Color Combination For Your Home

How To Find The Right Color Combination For Your HomeThere are lots of decisions that people have to make when it comes to the decorating scheme of their home. One of the key decisions that homeowners face involves the color scheme. Some people are afraid to talk about their color schemes for fear of making the wrong decision; however, the only way to make the right decision when it comes to the colors in the home is to discuss the situation. Have no fear because there are a few steps that all homeowners can take to make sure they nail their home’s color scheme.

Think About The Mood

The first step is to think about the mood of the home. Colors are used to reflect some sort of emotion and they are going to set the mood of the room. What type of mood should the space evoke? It might be helpful to think about the stories that could unfold in the room. For example, pinks and brighter colors are used to reflect both youth and vitality. Darker colors are used to create an earthy, warm vibe. Color should be a part of the design process from the first step.

Ease Into The Process

Next, it is a smart idea to ease into the process. Instead of trying to look at dozens of color tones at the same time, pick a few very different colors. Then, gradually narrow down the selection by looking at colors that are similar to the first one. By gradually moving to bolder colors, homeowners will have an easier time going through the process.

Consider The Saturation Of The Color

Finally, when looking at the possible variations, think about the brightness of the color as well, which is often referred to as the saturation. There are multiple hues in a single color and some hues might overwhelm the furniture or the carpets while others will work well in a synergistic manner. Think about the role the color is going to play in the room and how it might work well with different types of furniture.

Find The Right Color Scheme

These are a few of the most important points regarding home colors. With these tips, it is possible to enjoy the process of finding the right color scheme for the home.

Buying A Home With Cash Versus Low Interest Rate Mortgages

Buying A Home With Cash Versus Low Interest Rate MortgagesThe real estate market has been in flux during the past few months. As a result, this could be a great time to both buy and sell a home. This is because mortgage rates are attractive for borrowers right now. With so many people who are looking to buy a home, is likely the people selling a home are going to receive multiple offers. On the other hand, given what the mortgage market looks like right now, borrowers also have attractive options.

As a result, many people are wondering if they should buy a house with cash or take advantage of low interest rates. For homebuyers in this position, there are a few important points to keep in mind. 

Consider What The Cash Can Do

Ultimately, a decision to buy a house with cash or taking advantage of low interest rates is going to be a personal decision. At the same time, there are several factors to consider. One of them involves what the cash is going to be used for. For example, many people have heard the saying that cash is king. Buying a house with cash might be right for some people. 

On the other hand, there might be some individuals or families who can put this cash to better use elsewhere. For example, if this cash is needed to buy a new car, fun retirement, or pay for someone’s education, then the cash might be better spent in this area. It is important to think about how this cash will be spent when deciding whether or not to use it to buy a home. 

The Competitiveness Of A Cash Offer

It is also important to consider the advantages of buying a house with cash. In addition to the obvious benefit of not having a mortgage payment, a cash offer is also going to be seen as more competitive. With so many people looking to buy a house right now, it is critical for homebuyers to appear competitive right off the bat. 

A cash offer is always going to look better than someone who is trying to take out a loan because the transaction is simpler, faster, and provides the seller with an instant source of liquidity. 

These are a few of the most important points that people should keep in mind when deciding how they are going to purchase a home.


Restoring A Patio On A Budget: 3 Simple Tips

Restoring A Patio On A Budget: 3 Simple TipsThere are lots of homeowners who are looking at their patio and are not satisfied with what they see. This is where it is important to think about ways to bring that patio back to life. Whether this means entertaining friends or simply relaxing with a cocktail and a book, there are a few easy ways to bring a patio back to life.

1. Target The Pests

There are lots of pests that like to make their homes in the patio. This might include debris that is brought in by the wind, critters that like to dig underneath the patio, or even kids’ toys. There are ways to prevent critters from making their homes in the patio. Simply place pine cones in the nearby area. This is far easier than using mulch. As for the kids’ toys, that sounds more like a parenting issue!

2. Add A Splash Of Color

One of the easiest tips that can bring a patio back to life is adding a splash of color. Instead of going with the boring brown patio, add some plants to bring some green to the porch. Then, throw in some colored furniture. Finish it off with a colorful umbrella and the patio will look like new!

3. Build A Fire Pit

Finally, those who want to host a party need to have a fire pit. A fire pit is one of the best ways to draw attention away from the patio itself. A mini fire pit acts as the focal point of the room while adding a bit more fun (and function) to the patio itself. This is a great place to roast a few hot dogs, make some smores, and host a party! Adding a fire pit to the patio is one of the top ways to take a sad patio and bring it back to life once again.

Restore An Old Patio With These Tips

A patio is meant to be a place where family members and friends come together to enjoy each other’s company. In order to bring a patio back to life, think about putting these tips to use. This will make the patio functional once again, making the porch the place to be.

Buying A New Car Impacts The Ability To Buy A New Home

Buying A New Car Impacts The Ability To Buy A New HomeThose who are in the process of buying a new home need to be aware of some of the factors that might influence their ability to do so. Even though credit score, income, and assets will play major roles in whether or not someone might be approved for a loan, there are other factors that will play a role as well.

Buying a new car might even have an impact on the homebuying process.

Why is this the case?

The Debt Payments On The Car Will Play A Role

There are multiple ways to buy a car. Some people elect to pay cash for the entire vehicle. While this is a challenge for most families, this will prevent any new debt from being added to the family’s finances. At the same time, this could also reduce the amount of cash the family has on hand to put toward the new home.

Most families end up putting a down payment on a car and taking out a loan for the rest. While this is a financially responsible decision, this can also make it harder to purchase a new home. This is because the payments on the car are going to be added to the family’s existing debt. A potential lender is going to see these debt payments and reduce the amount of money they are willing to provide. This could make it hard for a family to purchase their dream home.

Factor In The Cost Of The Car

Those who need a new car need to factor the monthly cost of the car into the home buying equation. For example, if the monthly payments on the car are going to be $200, then this is $200 less that the family can afford for the mortgage payment. The same math has to be done by removing the down payment for the car from the potential down payment on the house.

Do The Math Carefully

People need cars to get around in most parts of the country. At the same time, the financially responsible decision is to take the cost of the car and deduct this from the assets that are available to pay for the home to avoid any surprises. The lender is going to do the same thing.

4 Ways COVID-19 Has Had An Impact On The Home Lending Process

4 Ways COVID-19 Has Had An Impact On The Home Lending ProcessThe COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone and this includes the real estate industry. One of the biggest impacts that this pandemic has had involves the home lending process. Because many people are looking for ways to buy a home while engaging in proper social distancing measures, the industry has had to adapt. Learn more about some of the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has forced on the home lending process.

Homes Are Getting More Affordable

The demand for homes right now is high; however, homes are still more affordable than they have been in the past. Lenders are trying to find ways to encourage people to purchase homes because they have seen a drop in their business as well. As a result, many lenders are willing to provide potential homeowners with great offers and opportunities to purchase a dream home.

Online Applications Are Becoming More Common

Next, online applications are becoming more common as well. In order to help people buy a home while still engaging in social distancing, it is possible to complete the home application process online. This is usually provided through an intuitive system that provides clear instructions on what has to be submitted for the application process.

Buying Power Is Going Up

Because many homeowners and potential home buyers are realizing that now is a great time to buy, they are learning that they have a lot more power. They might be able to afford a larger home or carry out a home improvement project after buying their home. This provides more flexibility for homeowners.

Refinancing Is Becoming More Common

In addition to changes in the home buying process, there are changes taking place in refinancing as well. Many current homeowners are realizing that they have a unique opportunity right now as well. As a result, they are taking advantage of the opportunity to complete a refinancing deal to save money.

Home Lending Is Changing

These are just a few of the major changes that have taken place in the home lending process due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Anyone who owns a home or is thinking about buying a home should consider looking at their available options as well. There could be opportunities to save money.

Keep The Dream Of Owning A Home Alive

Keep The Dream Of Owning A Home AliveFor many people, owning a home is their dream. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the entire country and has left many people wondering if they can still afford to own a home. While this might put some things on hold, there are steps that everyone can take to keep the dream of owning a home alive.

Get Pre-Approved For A Mortgage

The first step that you should complete if you would like to own a home is to get pre-approved for a mortgage. The pre-approval process will give you a firm idea of what you can afford. Then, you can start to narrow your search and find homes that are within your price range.

Furthermore, when you do make an offer, sellers will know that you are serious about buying the home because you have already been pre-approved. Reach out to a lender and get pre-approved for a mortgage.

Connect With A Top Agent Virtually

Most people are used to going to home showing in person; however, there are ways to do this virtually. A trusted agent is going to have access to all of the listings in the local area and can help you understand what the process is regarding buying a home. You can connect with an agent either by phone or by video to learn what it is like to navigate the real estate market. While today’s market might be different from most markets, there are still opportunities to get a great deal on a home.

Do Research On Options For Assistance

Buying home is one of the most important ways to stimulate the economy. As a result, there are lots of options that have been put into place to help people buy homes in a responsible manner. This could include loan programs, payment assistance programs, and loan options that do not require a large down payment. This can help you afford a dream home without having to necessarily put down 20 percent.

Do Not Put Your Dreams On Hold

While the climate might be a bit different right now, this does not mean that people have to put their dreams of owning a home on hold. This simply means that everyone has to do their due diligence and find the home that is right for them.

The Top 3 Reasons To Invest In A Reverse Mortgage

The Top 3 Reasons To Invest In A Reverse MortgageFor seniors who have equity built up in their home, they might have heard about something called a reverse mortgage. There are plenty of TV commercials for reverse mortgages; however, there is still a lot of confusion regarding what they are.

Simply put, many seniors have already paid off their homes completely. With a reverse mortgage, people can access the equity they have in their home and use this as a quick source of cash. Then, they can pay back this loan when they can without giving up ownership of their home. Who should use this tool? There are a few reasons to note.

A Quick Source Of Cash Without Great Credit

For those who don’t have a strong credit score but need a quick source of cash, a reverse mortgage might be a great option. Many people stop paying attention to their credit score in their later years, thinking they will not need to take out a loan again; however, life can throw surprises at people and a reverse mortgage can help people access cash quickly without having to apply for a formal loan.

A Flexible Source Of Money

There are many people who think that a reverse mortgage can only be used for housing expenses. This is not the case. In reality, people can use a reverse mortgage to pay for just about anything. One of the most common uses of a reverse mortgage is to cover medical bills. Medical bills are among the most common unexpected expenses and if a medical bill comes up, then a reverse mortgage can be used to pay it off.

A Loan With Flexible Repayment Terms

Finally, a reverse mortgage is a loan that provides flexible repayment terms. With a reverse mortgage, there is no need to pay the loan off in full until the home is sold, the owners move out, or the owners pass away. In this case, when the home is sold, some of the money is used to pay back the reverse mortgage.

Consider A Reverse Mortgage

For some people, a reverse mortgage can be an effective financial tool. It is critical for everyone to evaluate all of their financial options and choose the one that is right for them.

A Bidding War Is Taking Place Among Homebuyers

A Bidding War Is Taking Place Among HomebuyersWhile businesses have fallen on hard times during the past few months, there are signs that the economy is going to start to recover quickly. This could mean that homebuyers are entering the market again as well.

With summer being a historically hot time for homebuyers all over the country, there are a lot of experts saying that buyers need to get ready for a bidding war.

There are not a lot of homes on the market right now, as sellers are still a bit reluctant to put their homes back on the market with the economy just starting its recovery process.

The end result is that there is a disconnect between supply and demand. This imbalance is causing home prices to climb upward as homebuyers get into a bidding war.

Homebuyers Might Be Surprised

Many homebuyers are surprised that prices are actually rising instead of falling. When the last recession hit, home prices actually fell significantly. This is because mortgage defaults were the cause of the last recession, which is why home prices fell so dramatically.

The cause of this economic downturn is different. Due to a limited supply of homes, this is leading to more competition among homebuyers. This leads to more competition, handfuls of offers for a single home, and a bidding war. In order to find the right home, there are a few tips that homebuyers need to keep in mind.

Put Forth A More Competitive Offer

Those who are looking for a home right now need to place themselves in a position to compete against multiple offers from other homebuyers. Some of the most important tips to follow include:

  • Hire a local expert who understands the state of the market right now who can help homebuyers find the right home. Right now, the real estate market is not normal. It takes an expert to understand the ins and outs of buying a home in this market.
  • Get pre-approved from the market to make sure the offer looks serious to the seller. Those who get pre-approved from a lender will demonstrate a strong desire to buy, pushing their offer to the top.

There are ways to put forth a competitive offer even in this challenging real estate market.