Can Mini-SkirtsTeach You About Writing A Resume?

Did you know that you can learn a lot about writing a resume from that sexy, saucy little fashion item, the mini-skirt? miniskirt

Whether you have worn one of these short skirts before, or have simply been an admirer, here are the tips that mini-skirts can give you about writing the most effective resume possible:

Just the Right Length

Your resume should always be the same length as a mini-skirt, long enough to cover the important parts but short enough to still be interesting.

It is crucial to include the most important details in your resume when applying for a job, such as relevant experience, education, and training. You will also want to include some descriptions of your previous roles and goals that you have achieved.

However, if your resume carries on for too long you will lose the interest of your reader. Your amazing accomplishments will not be as impressive if they are drowned within a sea of other bullet points and information.

The trick is to cut down your resume until you fit your top most impressive achievements and crucial information all on one page. Just like a mini-skirt, this will highlight your best “assets” and really get you noticed.

Careful How You Present Yourself

If you have worn a mini-skirt before, you know that you will need to be careful about how you walk, bend over, and sit down. You must keep your legs cross and your skirt pulled down, in order to avoid accidently exposing yourself to everyone else.

Being conscious about how you are displaying yourself to others can also be a good point to keep in mind when writing your resume.

If you don’t consider how your resume is being perceived, you might be unknowingly creating a bad first impression to your employer. Always double check your resume before sending it for spelling errors, typos, tone , and jargon, just like you would look down to check that your miniskirt is covering everything. You can even get a friend to read it over to catch the errors that you do not see.

When writing your resume, remember these tips that you can learn from this tiny but powerful piece of clothing!

Want a Great Holiday Survival Strategy? How to Take Criticism like a Champion

One of the hardest things in the world can be to receive negative criticism on something we have done. No one wants to feel like they havecritic quote done something wrong and hearing someone talk about our faults and mistakes can make us very frustrated and discouraged.

However, criticism doesn’t have to be so bad when you approach it with the right attitude. In fact, when you think of it in the following way, it can actually benefit you positively and help you improve.

Here is how:

Separate yourself from what is being criticized

Whenever we put our time and effort into doing something or creating something, we inevitably invest a little part of ourselves in it. Therefore, whenever anyone tells us that it is not good, whether it is a dance performance, a chili con carne, or a business report, it is easy to feel hurt.

When someone criticizes your work, you might feel like they are criticizing you as well and their comments can make you feel discouraged and defensive.

The first step to taking criticism like a champion is to completely take yourself and your fragile ego out of the equation. When you do something, make sure that you are able to separate yourself from it and view it objectively.

For example, if someone is critiquing a painting that you have done, remember that they are not insulting you as an artist they are simply pointing out the flaws of the painting itself.

Understand the Criticism

The next step after you have overcome the urge to take the criticism personally is to understand what the person is trying to say. Perhaps they have a valuable point that you can take into consideration, which will help you do better next time.

If you don’t understand why they are making the criticism, ask them for clarification. Ask them why they think the way they do, how they came up with that opinion, and if they have any suggests of what you could do differently. Whether you disagree with them or not, it’s important to understand first where the criticism is coming from.

Use it To Improve

The final step once you have understood what the other person is trying to say is to try to use the feedback you have received to improve. Keep it in mind next time that you do something and if you can change your behavior to get a better result, do so!

Now you are succeeding even more than before and you have discovered that criticism doesn’t have to hurt, and it can even help you do better at whatever goal you are trying to achieve.

Why Do We Never Do the Things We Enjoy?

You might be watching a film about an artist, and your friend will say, “I used to love making pottery when I was in school. I wish I could doroller-blading it again.”

Or perhaps you will be walking along the beach and you will pass someone on Rollerblades and your partner will say, “I love rollerblading! I used to do it all the time when I was younger.”

Or maybe you will treat yourself to an ice cream once in a blue moon, and think about how much you love ice cream but you can’t remember the last time you had it.

When we are younger, we don’t have a problem doing the things we love. They seem to come naturally, and the focus of our day is centered on play and fun. However, when we get older we tend to focus more on work and obligations.

Unfortunately, this causes us to forget how to play and do the things that we enjoy. For some reason, we deny ourselves these things, telling ourselves that if we indulge in life’s simple pleasures we are somehow being irresponsible or childish.

However, this is the kind of thinking which causes so many adults to feel unhappy with their lives and look so fondly back on the playful days of childhood.

Do What You Enjoy

What is the simple solution to this?

Take time for yourself to do the things you enjoy in life.

It sounds easy, but when is the last time you did it?

The first step is to think about what you really enjoy doing. Don’t worry about what you should be doing, or what is most productive or efficient. Think about what brings you joy, whether it is wall climbing, learning a new language, or watching cheesy horror films.

You will already know what these things are, but you might not have allowed yourself to enjoy them for so long that they might be hard to remember. For a hint, think back to what you loved as a child or teenager.

Now make time in your schedule to enjoy these things that you love. If you love lying in the sun reading a good book, cancel your plans for the weekend and grab your beach towel. If you always loved playing theatre games in school, take an adult improv class one evening per week. If your pleasure is music, go see a live band perform every so often rather than going to the same bar every Friday night.

Allowing yourself to enjoy these simple pleasures won’t put any huge burden on your schedule, but will certainly make an enormous difference to your happiness and enjoyment of life, so go ahead and do what you love!


What Are You Waiting For? Effective Cures for Procrastination

Is your motto, “why do today what I can put off until tomorrow?”procrastination tips

Procrastination is an easy habit to slip into, as it is incredibly tempting to avoid doing something that is not urgent. When a project is due, the house needs cleaning, or a form needs filling out, we often decide that we will get away with doing it another day.

However, procrastination can really come back to bite us when the deadline looms near and we realize that we have left way too much work for ourselves. Every college student who has gotten in trouble for snoring in class after pulling an all-nighter finishing a term paper will tell you that procrastination seems like a good idea at the time but isn’t a healthy or productive way to manage your life.

So how can we combat our natural tendency to put things off until tomorrow? Here are a few effective ways that you can cure your procrastination and get things done!

  • If you are procrastinating because the task seems huge and overwhelming, break it into small steps and accomplish one step per day. For example, if you are writing an essay you can decide on the topic one day, create an outline the second day, write a first draft the third day, edit your draft the fourth day, etc. When you break the task into small parts, it seems much less scary and you will be more likely to accomplish each small piece in one day.
  • Promise yourself a reward, only after you complete your portion of the task for the day. For example, tell yourself that you will take a walk on the beach after you clean the kitchen. You will be surprised how much quicker you wash those dishes when the sun is shining outside and you are eager to get out and enjoy it.
  • Start in the middle. Sometimes we procrastinate on a large task because we are just not sure how to begin. Don’t worry about the beginning, just start in the middle instead and get the ball rolling. For example, get started tackling a large job like cleaning out the garage by grabbing any random box of junk and figuring out how to deal with it. Doing things out of order is better than never doing them at all.
  • Eliminate your distractions. If you know that television, Facebook, or computer games distract you from getting things done, get rid of them until you are finished your task. Unplug your modem, or ask someone to hide the Xbox until you finish what you need to do.
  • Stop over-complicating the task and waiting for the perfect opportunity to do it. There is no “perfect” time to do anything, so make the most of the time you have right now!

These are just a few ways that you can cure your tendencies for procrastination, and enjoy a more productive life!

Tips for Learning a New Language

Whether you want to go traveling, move abroad, or just impress your sexy foreign neighbor, learning a new language can be a very advantageous skill to have. Learning to speak another language is not only a great way to open up many more opportunities for yourself, it can also be a fun challenge.

However, learning to speak a new language can also be very intimidating and difficult. You will have to start right back at square one when it comes to communication, and it can be very humbling and frustrating to only have the conversation skills of a three year old. Memorizing vocabulary and learning grammar in a new language is not necessarily easy.

If your goal is to learn a new language, here are some helpful tips that will improve your learning experience and make it easier for you to reach your goal:

  • Study the language in small bursts each day. It is better to study for 30 minutes each day than for 3.5 hours in one day. This will make it easier to find time in your schedule to stick to your goal. Also, a 3.5 hour session is not as effective, as you will remember and retain more if you study in shorter and more frequent sessions.
  • Find a learning method that works for you. Everyone has a different learning style, so try many different classes, software, CDs, or other learning tools until you find the one that “clicks” for you.
  • Don’t be shy when speaking. A lot of the time we are hesitant to test out our foreign language because we are afraid we will sound stupid if we use incorrect grammar or forget a word. Don’t let this get in the way of practicing your language! You wouldn’t judge a non-native speaker if they made a mistake, would you? Anyone listening to you will give you the same patience and understanding, so give it a try!
  • Make learning a language fun! The learning process doesn’t have to be all study and no play, as there are many ways you can make language learning entertaining. You can watch foreign films, learn some jokes and songs, or read comics and cartoons in your target language.

Last but not least, don’t give up! The benefits of being able to communicate in another language are so rewarding that they are worth your hard work, so good luck!